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WanDoo Homepage Board(완두 홈페이지 게시판) WanDoo Board(완두 게시판) - With me Or For me KONGCODE (Gast)
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{{{ You should know me, }}}
if you belonged to GOD.
Do you know what I mean?
To Pharishees,
Jesus Christ said,
"If you knew WHO Sent Me,
you should know who I am!"
Let me tell you this!
"If you are belonged to GOD,
you should know who I am!"
Don't you know who am I?
I have raised my voice
The Secret of Heaven,
Your Foolishness in GOD,
Your Laziness in GOD,
Your Hypocracy in GOD,
Your Big Mouth in GOD,
Your Double Personality in GOD,
Your Double Life in GOD,
Your Double Face in GOD,
Your Talented Showmanship in GOD,
The Way of GOD,
The Way to Jesus,
The Teaching of St. Paul,
Your Constant Faithfulness in Satan,
Your Restless Vigorousity in Satan,
Your Aggressive Efforts in Satan,
Your Passion in Satan,
Your Joy in Satan,
Your Pleasure in Satan,
Your Businesses in Satan,
Your Hardship For Satan,
Your Holy Shit of Satan
in the street
to the public and the world
from long time ago!
The Public and The World
have opened their Ears Widely
to My Mouth.
The Public and The World
have been Shaking Seriously
to My Mouth.
By the way,
do you know
The Holy Spirit Sword Power
in the Bible?
The Holy Spirit Sword
has a power
what could
Penetrate in Human Mind
Break Skull,Soul and Spirit.
I told you many times!
*I couldn't upload this Article
in http://sro.revelife.com
with express computer in
Georgetown Library at 1:07.
It was 2 times failed uploading
by Bug and Freezing by ???body.
Article 1) uploading was failed like it.
Article 2) uploading was failed again.
With #8 express computer
in martin luther king jr library
Sep-4-2010 Sat pm 4:36
| | | | KONGCODE (Gast)
| | {{{ You should know me, }}}
if you belonged to GOD.
Do you know what I mean?
To Pharishees,
Jesus Christ said,
"If you knew WHO Sent Me,
you should know who I am!"
Let me tell you this!
"If you are belonged to GOD,
you should know who I am!"
Don't you know who am I?
I have raised my voice
The Secret of Heaven,
The Way of GOD,
The Way to Jesus,
The Teaching of St. Paul,
The Defect Pastors in GOD,
The Defect Spiritual Leader in GOD
Your Foolishness in GOD,
Your Laziness in GOD,
Your Hypocracy in GOD,
Your Big Mouth in GOD,
Your Double Personality in GOD,
Your Double Life in GOD,
Your Double Face in GOD,
Your Talented Showmanship in GOD,
Your Terrorism against GOD
Your Love in Satan,
Your HIV in Satan,
Your Fantasy in Satan,
Your Constant Faithfulness in Satan,
Your Restless Vigorousity in Satan,
Your Aggressive Efforts in Satan,
Your Passion in Satan,
Your Joy in Satan,
Your Pleasure in Satan,
Your Businesses in Satan,
Your Hardship For Satan,
Your Holy Shit of Satan,
Your Cheating for Satan,
Your Taunts for Satan,
Your Threatening for Satan,
Your Stealing for Satan,
Your Kidnapping for Satan,
Your Stealing Kidney for Satan,
Your Terror Attack for Satan
in the street
to the public and the world
from long time ago!
don't you know who I am?
The Public and The World
have opened their Ears Widely
by My Mouth.
The Public and The World
have been Shaking Seriously
by My Mouth.
By the way,
do you know
The Holy Spirit Sword Power
in the Bible?
The Holy Spirit Sword
has a power
what could
Penetrate in Human Mind
Break Skull,Soul and Spirit.
It is in the Bible!
I told you MANY TIMES!
*I couldn't upload this Article
in http://sro.revelife.com
with express computer in
Georgetown Library at 1:07.
It was 2 times failed uploading
by Bug and Freezing by ???body.
Article 1) uploading was failed like it.
Article 2) uploading was failed again.
With #8 express computer
in martin luther king jr library
Sep-4-2010 Sat pm 5:03
| | | | KONGCODE (Gast)
| |
{{{ You should know me, }}}
if you belonged to GOD.
Do you know what I mean?
To Pharishees,
Jesus Christ said,
"If you knew WHO Sent Me,
you should know who I am!"
Let me tell you this!
"If you are belonged to GOD,
you should know who I am!"
Don't you know who am I?
I have raised my voice
The Secret of Heaven,
The Way of GOD,
The Way to Jesus,
The Teaching of St. Paul,
The Defect Pastors in GOD,
The Defect Spiritual Leader in GOD
Your Foolishness in GOD,
Your Laziness in GOD,
Your Hypocracy in GOD,
Your Big Mouth in GOD,
Your Double Personality in GOD,
Your Double Life in GOD,
Your Double Face in GOD,
Your Talented Showmanship in GOD,
Your Terrorism against GOD
Your Love in Satan,
Your HIV in Satan,
Your Fantasy in Satan,
Your Constant Faithfulness in Satan,
Your Restless Vigorousity in Satan,
Your Aggressive Efforts in Satan,
Your Passion in Satan,
Your Joy in Satan,
Your Pleasure in Satan,
Your Businesses in Satan,
Your Fantasy in Satan,
Your Hardship For Satan,
Your Holy Shit of Satan,
Your Black-Hole in Satan,
Your Beard-Hole in Satan,
Your Cheating for Satan,
Your Taunts for Satan,
Your Threatening for Satan,
Your Stealing for Satan,
Your Kidnapping for Satan,
Your Stealing Kidney for Satan,
Your Terror Attack for Satan,
Your NO-Attitude in Satan,
Your Don't Worry-Attitude in Satan,
Your Showmanship in Satan,
Your Christian Life in Satan,
Your Good Samarithan Life in Satan,
Your Prayer in Satan,
Your Happiness in Satan,
Your Worry-Free Life in Satan,
Your Hope in Satan,
Your Ambition in Satan,
Your Dream in Satan,
Your Investment in Satan,
Your Insurance in Satan,
Your Financial Business in Satan,
Your Boy Trafficking Business in Satan,
Your Girl Trafficking Business in Satan,
Your Gay Trafficking Business in Satan,
Your Black Trafficking Business in Satan,
Your Identity Theft Operation in Satan,
Your Hidden Camera Business in Satan,
Your Human-Right in Satan,
in the street
to the public and the world
from long time ago!
don't you know who I am?
The Public and The World
have opened their Ears Widely
by My Mouth.
The Public and The World
have been Shaking Seriously
by My Mouth.
By the way,
do you know
The Holy Spirit Sword Power
in the Bible?
The Holy Spirit Sword
has a power
what could
Penetrate in Human Mind
Break Skull,Soul and Spirit.
It is in the Bible!
I told you MANY TIMES!
*I couldn't upload this Article
in http://sro.revelife.com
with express computer in
Georgetown Library at 1:07.
It was 2 times failed uploading
by Bug and Freezing by ???body.
Article 1) uploading was failed like it.
Article 2) uploading was failed again.
With #2 express computer
in martin luther king jr library
Sep-5-2010 Sunday pm 4:10
| | | | KONGCODE (Gast)
| |
{{{ You should know me, }}}
if you belonged to GOD.
Do you know what I mean?
To Pharishees,
Jesus Christ said,
"If you knew WHO Sent Me,
you should know who I am!"
Let me tell you this!
"If you are belonged to GOD,
you should know who I am!"
Don't you know who am I?
I have raised my voice
The Secret of Heaven,
The Way of GOD,
The Way to Jesus,
The Teaching of St. Paul,
The Defect Pastors in GOD,
The Defect Spiritual Leader in GOD
Your Craziness in GOD,
Your Foolishness in GOD,
Your Laziness in GOD,
Your Hypocracy in GOD,
Your Front-Staight Operation in GOD,
Your Behhind-Straight Operation in GOD,
Your Side-Straight Operation in GOD,
Your Passing Both-Side Operation in GOD,
Your Turning Butt Operation in GOD,
Your Big Mouth in GOD,
Your Double Personality in GOD,
Your Double Life in GOD,
Your Double Face in GOD,
Your Talented Showmanship in GOD,
Your Terrorism against GOD
Your Love in Satan,
Your HIV in Satan,
Your Fantasy in Satan,
Your Constant Faithfulness in Satan,
Your Restless Vigorousity in Satan,
Your Aggressive Efforts in Satan,
Your Passion in Satan,
Your Joy in Satan,
Your Pleasure in Satan,
Your Businesses in Satan,
Your ILLsion in Satan,
Your Hardship For Satan,
Your Holy Shit of Satan,
Your Black-Hole in Satan,
Your Beard-Hole in Satan,
Your Cheating for Satan,
Your Taunts for Satan,
Your Threatening for Satan,
Your Stealing for Satan,
Your Kidnapping for Satan,
Your Stealing Kidney for Satan,
Your Terror Attack for Satan,
Your NO-Attitude in Satan,
Your Don't Worry-Attitude in Satan,
Your Showmanship in Satan,
Your Christian Life in Satan,
Your Good Samarithan Life in Satan,
Your Prayer in Satan,
Your Happiness in Satan,
Your Worry-Free Life in Satan,
Your Hope in Satan,
Your Ambition in Satan,
Your Dream in Satan,
Your Investment in Satan,
Your Insurance in Satan,
Your Financial Business in Satan,
Your Boy Trafficking Business in Satan,
Your Girl Trafficking Business in Satan,
Your Gay Trafficking Business in Satan,
Your Black Trafficking Business in Satan,
Your Identity Theft Operation in Satan,
Your Hidden Camera Business in Satan,
Your Human-Right in Satan,
in the street
to the public and the world
from long time ago!
don't you know who I am?
The Public and The World
have opened their Ears Widely
by My Mouth.
The Public and The World
have been Shaking Seriously
by My Mouth.
By the way,
do you know
The Holy Spirit Sword Power
in the Bible?
The Holy Spirit Sword
has a power
what could
Penetrate in Human Mind
Break Skull,Soul and Spirit.
It is in the Bible!
I told you MANY TIMES!
I upgraded this in urp.revelife.com
with express comptuer in
Georgetown Library
3307 M st NW
washington d.c 20007
Sep-7-2010 Tuesday pm 2:17
=> Today I found out somebody erased
my photobucket.com/vtoljsbj
So,I have tried to let the world know about
this kind of Evil Bitch Christian Terrorism!
"Am I doing Good Job?
*I couldn't upload this Article
in http://sro.revelife.com
with express computer in
Georgetown Library at 1:07.
It was 2 times failed uploading
by Bug and Freezing by ???body.
Article 1) uploading was failed like it.
Article 2) uploading was failed again.
With #2 express computer
in martin luther king jr library
Sep-5-2010 Sunday pm 4:10
| | | | KONG CODE (Gast)
| | From http://ooro.revelife.com
with express computer
Georgetown Library
3307 M st NW
washington d.c 20007
Sep-8-2010 Wedesday pm 1:59
{{{ u.s.a police is
Gang,Hitman,Mafia,Barking Dog,Kidnapper
Drug and Gay Organization }}}
After I exposed
c.i.a Drug Business,
Microsoft internet explorer identity theft,
u.s.a and south korean government Hidden Camera Business,
u.s.a police became
stalker,barking dog,gang,mafia,
watch dog for
Drug and Gay organization.
There have been so many
Killing Threat to me,everyday.
-"Attorney and Deputy and Official(Police) want to kill you!"-
But none of them
have been arrested until now.
On the law,
Killing Threat is Under Arrest in u.s.a.
most of government people
united together
Drug and Gay People
they have worked against me.
I have no idea
how long they want to enjoy
this kind of cheating and threatening game.
I have slept in the street
more than 5 years from manhattan new york
after I exposed Drug Business,Identity Theft,Hidden Camera Business.
Civilian who exposed Drug Business
must have
Concealed Carry Gun
and Concealed Carry Gun License
on the law.
Of course,
High Speed Car and Bunch of Cash
Full Automatic Gun like MP-5 or MP-7 or M-4 type
or Steyr TMP type.
nobody knows it
city mayor,governor,general attorney,senator,congressman,
Just like korea,
even in u.s.a,
Right Voice cannot have easy way.
On the contrary,
so many police(Specially,nypd in manhattan new york)
Through this way,
I have slept in the street more than 5 years
they stole
My IDEA and My Design.
I have asked
"Complete All of My Wish Lists
whatever is in My Blogs,Homepages
Whatever I gonna Have!
u.s.a bring this to me!
From 2004,
per day
100 Trillion Dollar CASH,
100 Trillion Euro CASH,
50 Million Dollar Bill in 50 Box,
50 Million Euro Bill in 50 Box,
777 Million Dollar CASH Per Minute,
777 Million Euro CASH Per Minute,
8888 Million Dollar CASH Per Hour,
8888 Million Euro CASH Per Hour,
888 Trillion Dollar CASH Per Week,
888 Trillion Euro CASH Per Week,
777 Trillion Dollar CASH Per Month,
777 Trillion Euro CASH Per Month,
998,998,998 Trillion Dollar CASH Per Year,
998,998,998 Trillion Euro CASH Per Year,
888,888 Trillion Dollar CASH Per 1/2 Year,
888,888 Trillion Euro CASH Per 1/2 Year to me!
operate money machine
change currency
bring this to me:
10 Trillion Dollar Bill in 10 Tennis Bag,
10 Trillion Euro Bill in 10 Tennis Bag,
8888 Trillion Dollar CASH,
8888 Trillion Euro CASH
Bring it to me!
Coach u.s.a
Dollar,Euro CASH!
I made lawsuit to u.s.a government
International Court of Justice(ICJ).
I am not sure ICJ
could carry out Justice and Fair.
Of course,
I.C.J has
generous,kind,cooperative with Drug and Gay.
I announced
Death Penalty to any one of them
by Bible Policy.
"Do not allow any tiny chance to Satan!"
I think it might have happened in the world.
This is the reason why
might be quiet.
Just Bring
Money,Cards,Maybach 60 or Bugatti Bordeaux
or Rolls Royce 101 EX
RV Fleetwood Revolution LE
to me!
On my personal opinion,
International Court of Justice
must close
in any christian country
their attitude is go cooperative
with Drug and Gay Organization.
I recommend moslem country
like IRAN where carry out justice and fair
so strictly.
*Somebody erased
my photobucket.com/vtoljsbj
I don't have Life Insurance.
People said there is a Life Insurance on my name.
Who is Beneficiary?
There is no investigation!
**=>'Jeg gjør en hånd presse opp syv ganger på 10 sekund.'
ولكنه أجابها : 1 رفع اليد 7 مرات في 10 ثانية. '
'I do 1 hand push up 7 times in 10 second.'
I have never had
Laptop PC,MacBook Pro,
Digital Camcorder,
Digital Camera,
Big Amount CASH.
If you want,
you may bring it to me.
With Express Computer
georgetown Library
3307 M st NW
(I.P address is other location-Logan Circle/Shaw in washington d.c
by twitter.com)
washington d.c 20007
Sep-8-2010 Wednesday pm 1:49
IP Information:
What Is My IP Address? (Now detects many proxy servers)
Map Data - Terms of Use
200 km200 mi Read: GeoLocation accuracy
IP Information:
ISP: Allied Telecom Group, LLC.
Organization: Allied Telecom Group, LLC.
Connection: Corporate
Proxy: None Detected
City: Washington
Region: District of Columbia
Country: United States
*Per Day
100 Trillion Dollar/Euro CASH-"All To Me!"
*Per Day
10 Million Dollar Bill/Euro Bill in 20 Box
=>"All To Me!"
*If you want to see me,
you may come to see me
everyday pm 6:00 at Mcpherson Square Park
on 15th st and I st.
It is 2 block away from white house
in washington d.c.
in washington d.c u.s.a.
*****If you want,
you can contact Korean Pastor Choi
He got my picture and he knows me!
Hvis du ville,
du kan kontakt Koreansk Pastor Choi
(Web:iamappa.org,Tel:202-939-0754 Fax:202-939-0864).
Han vite meg!
I go there everyday at pm 6:00 because
dinner van come everyday at 6:00 pm.
나 볼려면,
워싱턴 디시에 백악관에서 두 블럭 떨어져 있는
매일 저녁 6시에 여기 맥퍼슨 스퀘어파크로 와라.
매일 저녁 6시에 홈레스한테 저녁 주는 밴이 그 곳에 온다.
나에게 연락하고 싶다면
APPA Mission Center in D.C(iamappa.org)
최목사님에게 연락하실 수 있습니다
(전화 :202 - 939-0754, 팩스 :202 - 939-0864)
* ถ้าคุณต้องการดูฉัน
18:00 ทุกวันที่ McPherson Square Park
ในวันที่ 15 และ I st st
จะป้องกัน 2 ห่างจากบ้านสีขาว
ในวอชิงตัน d.c สหรัฐอเมริกา
***** ถ้าคุณต้องการ
คุณสามารถติดต่อเกาหลี Pastor Choi
(:202 - 939 - 0754 Tel, Fax :202 - 939 - 0864)
เขาได้ภาพของฉันและเขารู้ me!
* Pokud chcete vidět mě,
Můžete přijít ke mně
každodenní pm 6:00 při McPherson Square Park
15. st a já st.
Jedná se o 2 blok od Bílého domu
ve Washingtonu D. C.
ve Washingtonu d.c Spojené státy americké
***** Pokud chcete,
můžete kontaktovat korejský pastor Choi
(Tel :202-939-0754, Fax :202-939-0864)
Dostal můj obrázek a on zná mě!
(电话:202 - 939 - 0754,传真:202 - 939 - 0864)
* Hvis du ønsker at se mig,
du kan komme til at se mig
hverdags pm 6:00 på Mcpherson Square Park
den 15. st og jeg st.
Det er 2 blok væk fra hvide hus
i Washington d.c.
i Washington d.c U.S.A.
***** Hvis du vil,
Du kan kontakte koreanske Pastor Choi
(Tel :202-939 til 0.754, Fax :202-939-0864)
Han fik mit billede og han kender mig!
* Hvis du ønsker å se meg,
du kan komme å se meg
hverdags pm 06:00 i Mcpherson Square Park
den 15. st og jeg st.
Det er to kvartal fra hvite huset
i Washington D.C.
i Washington d.c u.s.a.
***** Hvis du vil,
Du kan kontakte koreansk Pastor Choi
(Tel :202-939-0754, Fax :202-939-0864)
Han fikk mitt bilde, og han kjenner meg!
* Если вы хотите меня видеть,
Вы можете приехать ко мне
повседневной 6:00 вечера на Макферсон сквер
на пятнадцатой-й, и я ул.
Это 2 квартале от белого дома
в Вашингтоне, глубинная бомба
в Вашингтоне d.c u.s.a.
***** Если вы хотите,
Вы можете связаться с корейской Пастор Чой
(Тел. :202-939-0754, факс :202-939-0864)
Он получил мою фотографию, и он меня знает!
* Si quieres verme,
usted puede venir a verme
6:00 pm todos los días en Mcpherson Square Park
en c / 15 y I er.
Está a 2 cuadra de la Casa Blanca
en Washington D. C.
en Washington D.C U.S.A.
***** Si lo desea,
puede ponerse en contacto coreano Choi Pastor
(Tel. :202-939-0754, Fax :202-939-0864)
Se levantó mi foto y él me conoce!
* إذا كنت تريد أن تراني ،
قد جئت لرؤيتي
06:00 كل يوم في ساحة مكفرسون بارك
على شارع 15 وأنا الحادي والعشرين.
ومن كتلة 2 بعيدا عن البيت الابيض
في واشنطن العاصمة
في اعمال الولايات المتحدة الاميركية واشنطن d.c
***** إذا أردت ،
يمكنك الاتصال القس الكوري تشوي
- 939 - 0864)
وقد حصل على صورة بلدي وانه يعرفني!
* Om du vill se mig,
Du kan komma till mig
vardagliga pm 6:00 på Mcpherson Square Park
den 15: a och jag st.
Det är två kvarter från vita huset
i Washington DC
i Washington d.c U.S.A.
***** Om du vill,
Du kan kontakta koreanska Pastor Choi
(Tel :202-939 till 0.754, Fax :202-939-0864)
Han fick min bild och han känner mig!
* Jos haluat nähdä minut,
voit tulla tapaamaan minua
päivä klo 6:00 klo Mcpherson Square Park
15. st ja minä kpl.
Se on 2 korttelin päässä Valkoisesta talosta
vuonna washington DC
vuonna washington d.c U.S.A.
***** Jos haluat,
Voit ottaa yhteyttä Korean Pastor Choi
(Puh :202-939-0754, Fax :202-939-0864)
Hän sai kuvani ja hän tuntee minut!
* اگر شما می خواهید برای دیدن من ،
شما ممکن است به من مراجعه کنید
06:00 روزمره در Mcpherson میدان پارک
در خیابان 15 خیابان و من.
این 2 بلوک دور از کاخ سفید
در واشنگتن d.c.
در واشنگتن d.c u.s.a.
***** اگر شما می خواهید ،
شما می توانید کره پاستور چوی تماس
- 939 - 0864)
عکس من او شدم و او به من می داند!
* Als je me wilt zien,
mag je bij mij te zien
dagelijks 06:00 uur op Mcpherson Square Park
op 15 st en ik st.
Het is 2 blok afstand van het Witte Huis
in Washington gelijkspanning
in Washington d.c U.S.A.
***** Als u wilt,
U kunt contact opnemen met Pastor Koreaanse Choi
(Tel :202-939-+0.754, Fax :202-939-0864)
Hij kreeg mijn foto en hij kent me!
* Jos haluat nähdä minut,
voit tulla tapaamaan minua
päivä klo 6:00 klo Mcpherson Square Park
15. st ja minä kpl.
Se on 2 korttelin päässä Valkoisesta talosta
vuonna washington DC
vuonna washington d.c U.S.A.
***** Jos haluat,
Voit ottaa yhteyttä Korean Pastor Choi
(Puh :202-939-0754, Fax :202-939-0864)
Hän sai kuvani ja hän tuntee minut!
* Si vous voulez me voir,
vous pouvez venir me voir
18 heures 00 tous les jours à McPherson Square Park
sur la rue 15 et I er.
Il est à 2 pâté de maisons de la Maison Blanche
à Washington en courant continu
à Washington d.c U.S.A.
***** Si vous voulez,
vous pouvez contacter le pasteur coréen Choi
(Tel :202-939-0754, Fax :202-939-0864)
Il a obtenu ma photo et il me connaît!
이거는 내 새 블로그 주소다
JIN YANG HUN,Jin Yang Hun,jin yang hun, eddie,edwardjin,
sro,uro,aio,ooro,prizm, 00777,00888,00999,0007777,0008888,0009999,
maybach60,maybach60s ,
*Per Day 100 Trillion Dollar/Euro CASH-"All To Me!"
*Per Day 10 Million Dollar Bill/Euro Bill in 20 Box-"All To Me!"
{{ My Dream Travel }}-From http://sroj.webs.com {{내 꿈의 여행}}
Simply,it i~~~~~~~~~~~~~S 칸딴히 말해서,
Travel The World and 7 Seas 수직이착륙 항공모함 CVX을 타고서 꽉 채워가꼬 아있나
with full~~ loaded VTOL CVX! 안전벨트를 메가꼬
Of course, 전 세계와 7대양을 똘아 따니느기 내 꿈의 여행인기라!
((((( POO! HA! ^O^ HA! HA!))))
Total topics: 398 Total posts: 1210 Total users: 121 Online now (registered users): Nobody 