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WanDoo Homepage Board(완두 홈페이지 게시판) WanDoo Board(완두 게시판) - With me Or For me KONGCODE (Gast)
| | My Email to Iran Embassy in Seoul,Korea.
with express computer in
Georgetown Library in
3307 M st NW
washington d.c 20007
by Sep-22-2010 Wednesday pm 4:31
If you go to my blog
you could understand why I am sending this to you.
I sent similar message to Russian Embassy in Seoul,Korea
Norweigian Embassy in Seoul,Korea
France Embassy in Seoul,Korea
France Embassy in washington d.c.
This is my message
to France Embassy in Seoul,Korea.
with express computer in
Georgetown Library
3307 M st NW
washington d.c 20007
Sep-22-2010 Wednesday pm 4:29
and I gonna send this to
France Embassy in washington d.c
for the confirmation.
From Here:
My name is Jin,Yang Hun who is living in wasington d.c u.s.a
as a homeless.
My blog is
I am sending this message to you
about My IDEA and My Design.
All of my idea and my design was stolen
in manhattan new york in 2005.
It is in my blog
and many other blogs.
My Choice for handling the copyright of my idea and my design
Russia Vladimir Putin,
China Hujintao,
France Sarkozy,
Iran Amadinejad.
After you revised my idea and my design,
if you don't want,
just let me know.
*You can see this message in ytn.co.kr.
My I.D is w7sjin.
with express computer in
Georgetown Library
3307 M st NW
washington d.c 20007
by Sep-22-2010 Wednesday pm 3:59 | | | | KONGCODE (Gast)
| | I sent this message to
Russia,France,Iran,Chinese Embassy
in Seoul,Korea and
some of them got in washington d.c,too.
My email to french embassy didn't go.
It was failed.
*This is nothing more than
Jehovah GOD Technic.
=>"I Gonna Bless Gentile
as much as
My People Gonna Be Jealousy!"
I adopted His Technic!
=>"I Gonna Bless Other Countries
as much as
u.s.a Gonna Be Jealousy!"
Now I gotta go out.
This Georgetown library close by Sep-25- Friday.
by Oct-18-2010,
it will be opened in new location
3260 R st NW
washington d.c.
It is close to Russian Embassy and
Norweigian Embassy.
This is the contents:
This is my email
what I sent to your embassy in Seoul,Korea
through their contact form.
It is regarding
the copyright of My IDEA and My Desing.
I send this to you
for the confirmation
because I worry about internet interception
what happened to me in Los Angeles.
If you go to my blog
you could understand why I am sending this to you.
I sent similar message to Russian Embassy in Seoul,Korea
Norweigian Embassy in Seoul,Korea.
This is my message
to France Embassy in Seoul,Korea.
with express computer in
Georgetown Library
3307 M st NW
washington d.c 20007
Sep-22-2010 Wednesday pm 4:04
and I gonna send this to
France Embassy in washington d.c
for the confirmation.
My name is Jin,Yang Hun who is living in wasington d.c u.s.a
as a homeless.
My blog is
I am sending this message to you
about My IDEA and My Design.
All of my idea and my design was stolen
in manhattan new york in 2005.
It is in my blog
and many other blogs.
My Choice for handling the copyright of my idea and my design
Russia Vladimir Putin,
China Hujintao,
France Sarkozy,
Iran Amadinejad.
After you revised my idea and my design,
if you don't want,
just let me know.
*You can see this message in ytn.co.kr.
My I.D is w7sjin.
with express computer in
Georgetown Library
3307 M st NW
washington d.c 20007
by Sep-22-2010 Wednesday pm 3:59 | | | | KONGCODE (Gast)
| | 9월 23일부터
조지타운 도서관의 인터넷이 되질 않아서
인터넷을 하지 못하고 있다.
친구놈들을 인터넷에서 찾아봤는데
한 놈도 보이질 않네.
이 놈들은 인터넷을 안하는 모양이더군.
내가 필요한 것들 목록:
랩탑 피씨 "엘리언에어 엠11엑스"
애플 "맥북프로 17인치"
디지탈 캠코더
디지탈 카메라
핸드헬드 텔레비젼
차는 급한데로 토요타 밴이나
혼다 밴이 좋다.
뒤에 의자가 침대같이 펴지는 걸로!
내 연락처는 내 블로그에 있다.
10월 18일에 R st에 오픈할 예정이다.
2010년 9월 25일 토요일 오후 4시 40분
엘 스트릿하고 19가
워싱턴 디시.
| | | | KONGCODE (Gast)
| | My Writing From other
internet community.
with #9 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
on G st between 9th st and 10th st
washington d.c
Sep-27-2010 Monday pm 3:48
Min navn er Jin,Yang Hun(진양훈  hvem er
hjemløs mann i washington d.c.
Jeg tenke u.s.a er mest stør munn i verden
om kristen liv og homofil rettferdig.
Lik Bibel sagt,
u.s.a er Sønn av Onde med Vatican.
Jeg kan ikke forstå u.s.a.
På min oppfatning,
de få mangerfull hjerne.
간단히 얘기해서,
도대체가 이치에 맞지 않는
사고의 기능을 가지고 있다고 할 수 있지.
저토록 자신들에 대해서
모르고 있다는 것이 이해가 가질 않더군.
조지타운 도서관은
오늘 9월 25일에 문을 닫고
10월 18일에 다른 곳에서 문을 열지.
나의 새 블로그는
My New Code Price is
1 Trillion Dollar and Euro CASH.
About stolen My IDEA and Design:
"One of Each 20 Trillion Dollar CASH"
Russia Vladimir Putin
China Hujintao
France Sarkozy
Iran Amadineja
is my choice
for handling the copyright of
My IDEA and My Design.
Already,world knows it!
Jeg gjøre en hånd dytt opp 7 tide i 10 sekund.
Jeg snakke 4 språk-Ingen god men nok!
Sep-25-2010 Lørdag pm 5:02
i Staple Lagerbeholdning
Med Bærbar PC Compaq
på L st og 19 st
washington d.c | | | | KONGCODE (Gast)
| | faz.de by today
This is second time,today.
Anyway,if you go to start.no,
there is an ID 'saio'.
Go to start.no and click Forum and
click 'M-Forumet' and find ID 'saio'.
Of course,
there is more.
After I had a problem with japanese consul
in paraguay around 24 years ago,
I could realize Bonded Relationship
between your country and japanese country
Your shit young german is more than
I mean your young german is more Evil
with british and black and mexican and
irish and italian and african.
I think yaskooni god is stronger than
jehovah god
most of christian and pastors and priests
have cooperated with them.
It was totally outstanding
for the confirmation about the people's quality
in public.
Your young german is totally
bad educated swindler in u.s.a
just like british and swedish and black,,etc
No Email Contact!
With #7 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
on G st between 9th st and 10th st
washington d.c
Sep-27-2010 Monday pm 4:08 |
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