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WanDoo Homepage Board(완두 홈페이지 게시판) WanDoo Board(완두 게시판) - Each Time and Each Degree AND From Washingtion D.C to NewYork KONGCODE (Gast)
| | After I found out my writings in ytn.co.kr,
I brought this here because patak.egloos.com
is closed by regular inspection now.
With # 6 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
washington d.c 20001
Oct-27-2010 Wednesday pm 2:51
본 게시판의 게시물은 게시자 본인의 실명확인을 거쳐 작성된 것입니다.
I fixed japanese consul's bad attitude! (By 진양훈-in ytn.co.kr w7sjin- From kbs.co.kr)
작성자 : w7sjin날짜 : 2009-10-04 04:53 | 조회 : 23
If you want to see my photo,
Go to
I am using #1 Computer(15 minute for internet) in the Lobby
(I.P address is and I.P
This internet has 2
I.P Address.(?) "Who set up internet networking?"
in Library on G st between 9th st and 10th st
in washington d.c u.s.a. Oct-03-2009 Sunday pm 12:37
If you want to see more of my blogs and homepages and photos,
go to Links in the picture above.
I was singing in the stage in japanese karaoke.
one japanese guy shouted me "Cho-Sen-Jing PAGAYARO".( | | | | KONGCODE (Gast)
| | Til Bonnier Media
Jeg sendte det melding til Bonnier Media fra siden 10(?) minutt.
Jeg sende samme melding til deg en gang for bekreftelse.
Hvis du gå til min blogg,
du kan vite om internet svindel på
u.s.a styre og u.k styre og mer.
Så Jeg har prøvd å la verden om det.
Ingen Epost Kontakt!
Min Blogg er
patak.egloos.com(Se Kommentare av 41)
To Berliner Zeitung
No Email Contact!
I am south korean homeless man
in washington d.c.
If you want to contact me,
send fax on my name.
(This is APPA Mission Center)
My blog is
I sent this to CBC Toronto
and many other embassies.
I do not go Georgetown Library by Sep-25-2010 after closing.
They gonna move to 3260 R st NW in Georgetown by Oct-18-2010.
I was 23 years old when I fixed japanese consul's wrong attitude
in paraguay.
It didn't take more than 30 second and he bowed before me.
I think he might realize his mistake to young korean man
as a diplomat.
Even his comment was full of insane self indulgence
and japanese nationalism against young korean man in the karaoke.
And now,in 2010,
I could realized japanese pain is
irish pain,
jewish pain,
italian pain,
black pain,
mexican pain,
royal pain(Through royal relationship),
british pain,
india pain,
african pain,
vatican pain,
police pain,
microsoft pain,
intelligence agency pain
and ,,,etc!
I handed over The Copy right of My IDEA and My Design
to other.
My Choice is
Russia Vladimir Putin,
France Sarkozy,
China Hujintao,
Iran Amadinejad.
About stolen The Copyright of
My IDEA and My Design:
=>One of Each: 30 Trillion Dollar CASH.
(I think My IDEA and My Design
can hand most of major current military power in the world.)
There cannot be any royal!
I have watched royal attitude!
With #9 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
on G st between 9th st and 10th st
washington d.c
Oct-02-2010 Saturday pm 12:38
To Here!
P.S:Have you ever seen anybody
who is more than Royal,
more than billionaire,
more than power?
Here is a lot~~~~! | | | | KONGCODE (Gast)
| | This was failed to send to Bonnier Media.
pm 3:55
27.10.2010 20:56:07 [quote] [edit]
Til Bonnier Media
Jeg sendte det melding til Bonnier Media fra siden 10(?) minutt.
Jeg sende samme melding til deg en gang for bekreftelse.
Hvis du gå til min blogg,
du kan vite om internet svindel på
u.s.a styre og u.k styre og mer.
Så Jeg har prøvd å la verden om det.
Ingen Epost Kontakt!
Min Blogg er
patak.egloos.com(Se Kommentare av 41)
To Berliner Zeitung
No Email Contact!
I am south korean homeless man
in washington d.c.
If you want to contact me,
send fax on my name.
(This is APPA Mission Center)
My blog is
I sent this to CBC Toronto
and many other embassies.
I do not go Georgetown Library by Sep-25-2010 after closing.
They gonna move to 3260 R st NW in Georgetown by Oct-18-2010.
I was 23 years old when I fixed japanese consul's wrong attitude
in paraguay.
It didn't take more than 30 second and he bowed before me.
I think he might realize his mistake to young korean man
as a diplomat.
Even his comment was full of insane self indulgence
and japanese nationalism against young korean man in the karaoke.
And now,in 2010,
I could realized japanese pain is
irish pain,
jewish pain,
italian pain,
black pain,
mexican pain,
royal pain(Through royal relationship),
british pain,
india pain,
african pain,
vatican pain,
police pain,
microsoft pain,
intelligence agency pain
and ,,,etc!
I handed over The Copy right of My IDEA and My Design
to other.
My Choice is
Russia Vladimir Putin,
France Sarkozy,
China Hujintao,
Iran Amadinejad.
About stolen The Copyright of
My IDEA and My Design:
=>One of Each: 30 Trillion Dollar CASH.
(I think My IDEA and My Design
can hand most of major current military power in the world.)
There cannot be any royal!
I have watched royal attitude!
With #9 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
on G st between 9th st and 10th st
washington d.c
Oct-02-2010 Saturday pm 12:38
To Here!
P.S:Have you ever seen anybody
who is more than Royal,
more than billionaire,
more than power?
Here is a lot~~~~! | | | | KONGCODE (Gast)
| | I am the world most well known Homeless in washington d.c through entire human history.(On My Knowledge)
I just sent my message about
japanese pain series and my comment about
my idea and my design to you.
You might not know Walmart has
various choice of Beef Jerkey.
If you have a plan for the donation to me,
I don't want you to forget the Beef Jerkey in Walmart.
I need CASH,Cards,CAR and Laptop PC,
MacBook Pro,Digital Camcorder,Digital Camera and USB Flash Drive and External Hard Drive.
For the emergency,
Toyota Van or Honda Van or Benz Van is helpful for my situation.
I cannot understand Microsoft attitude.
2 Trillion Dollar Loan was confirmed and
they just need paper work as they told me.
What does Microsoft need more?
I have no idea!
Dream Works have followed Microsoft Attitude!
With #6 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
on G st between 9th st and
10th st
washington d.c
Oct-27-2010 Wednesday pm 4:18 | | | | KONCODE (Gast)
| | I brought this from ytn.co.kr
after I found out
many of my writing was erased by somebody,again.
With # 6 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
washington d.c 20001
Oct-28-2010 Thursday am 11:23
56) Analysis of Jehovah GOD and bil clinton God By Jin Yang Hun(w7sjin)
작성자 : w7sjin날짜 : 2009-10-10 03:35 | 조회 : 41
From My Other Blog http://wandoojin.wordpress.com
See the number 56) of topic
I uploaded this from many of my blog and homepage for fun!
black guy said 2 times "bill clinton,he is God!" in manhattan,2005.
*Let the world know about it!
56) Analysis of Jehovah GOD and bil clinton God
By wandoo
{{Analasis of Jehovah GOD and Bill Clinton GOD}}
(by Jin,Yang Hun who can do 1 hand push up 7 times in 10 Second.-B4 5 Second!)
*Jehovah GOD has Only One Son.
bill clinton GOD has Only One Daugter.
*Jehovah GOD has Judge License.
bill clinton GOD has Attorney License.
*Jehovah GOD has no wife.
bill clinton GOD has a wife.
*Jehovah GOD hate Gay People.
bill clinton GOD is GAY.
*Jehovah GOD doesn”t Support Gay Right.
bill clinton GOD Support Gay Right.
Karl Rove and Huckabee!
Whenever you bring donation to me,
Laptop PC must be Alienware M11X
and MacBook Pro must be 17".
Don't forget Beef Jerkey in Walmart.
I mean All Brand!
Updated by March-16-2009
from http://www.webjam.com/padadak
in same Apple Computer store in Court House V.A Arlington County.
March-14-2009 Saturday pm 1:11.with displayed MacBook
in Apple Computer Store on 2700 Claredon Blvd Court House in V.A.
Arlington County.
This entry was posted on June 13, 2009 at 5:41 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
With #9 Computer(15 minute use)
in library 1st fl on G st
between 9th st and 10th st
in washington d.c u.s.a.
Oct-9-2009 Friday pm 2:25
진양훈,JIN YANG HUN,Jin Yang Hun,jin yang hun, eddie,edwardjin, wandoo,WanDoo,wandookong,wandoojin, w7sjin,w7sro,sr o,uro,aio,ooro,prizm, 00777,00888,00 999,0007777,0008888,0009999, pong,pongya,pororong, aioj,aiow,aiox,sroj,srot,srou,srox,sroi, vtmy,vtrv a,e,i,u,o,김,이,박,부,한、あ、え、ゆ、い、お、ø,æ,a,u,o,ي،س،ف،ن،خ،人,言,月,火,又,ר,ק,ה,ל,כ,م,ه,س,ط,ش,ท,ม,พ,ห,ะ,ད,ང,ུ,ཐ,ུ,ア、エ、ж,э,ъ,ю,ё,
이전글If failing in economy, Mr.Obama will lose everything!
다음글■ 제품수명주기설 [製品壽命週期說]
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