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WanDoo Board(완두 게시판) - Each Time and Each Degree AND From Washingtion D.C to NewYork

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10/04/2010 5:16pm (UTC)[quote]
To CBC Toronto pm 1:13
and CTV Toronto pm 1:14

I am the south korean homeless
Jin,Yang Hun in washington d.c

If you want to contact me,
send fax on my name.
0864.(Yesterday,They said Fax
doesn't work.)
(This is APPA Mission Center-
*If you want to see me,
you or your people
may come to see me everyday pm
at Mcpherson Square Parkon
15th st and I st.

It is 2 block away from white
housein washington d.c.in
washington d.c u.s.a.

You can see same message
in my blog
Go to see the comment of the
Each Time and Each Degree.

My blog is
ooro.revelife.com com

With #9 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
on G st between 9th st and
10th st
washington d.c
Oct-04-2010 Monday pm 1:14
10/04/2010 5:31pm (UTC)[quote]
To Vrak.tv

I am south korean homeless
man Jin,Yang Hun in washington d.c

If you want to contact me,
send fax on my name.
0864.(Yesterday,They said Fax
doesn't work.)
(This is APPA Mission Center-
*If you want to see me,
you or your people
may come to see me everyday pm
at Mcpherson Square Parkon
15th st and I st.

It is 2 block away from white
housein washington d.c.in
washington d.c u.s.a.

You can see same message
in my blog
Go to see the comment of the
Each Time and Each Degree.

My blog is
ooro.revelife.com com

I sent this to CBC Toronto 
and many other embassies.
I do not go Georgetown Library by Sep-25-2010 after closing.
They gonna move to 3260 R st NW in Georgetown by Oct-18-2010.

I was 23 years old when I fixed japanese consul's wrong attitude in paraguay.
It didn't take more than 30 second and he bowed before me.

I think he might realize his mistake to young korean man
as a diplomat.

Even his comment was full of insane self indulgence 
and japanese nationalism against young korean man in the karaoke.

And now,in 2010,
I could realized japanese pain is
irish pain,
jewish pain,
italian pain,
black pain,
mexican pain,
royal pain(Through royal relationship),
british pain,
india pain,
african pain,
vatican pain,
police pain,
microsoft pain,
intelligence agency pain
and ,,,etc!

I handed over The Copy right of My IDEA and My Design
to other.
My Choice is
Russia Vladimir Putin,
France Sarkozy,
China Hujintao,
Iran Amadinejad.

About stolen The Copyright of 
My IDEA and My Design:
=>One of Each: 30 Trillion Dollar CASH.
(I think My IDEA and My Design
can hand most of major current military power in the world.)

There cannot be any royal!
I have watched royal attitude!

P.S:Have you ever seen anybody
who is more than Royal,
more than billionaire,
more than power?
Here is a lot~~~~!

With #9 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
on G st between 9th st and
10th st
washington d.c
Oct-04-2010 Monday pm 1:29
10/04/2010 5:58pm (UTC)[quote]
To Tekku.com

No Email Contact!

I am the south korean homeless
Jin,Yang Hun in washington d.c

If you want to contact me,
send fax on my name.
0864.(Yesterday,They said Fax
doesn't work.)
(This is APPA Mission Center-
*If you want to see me,
you or your people
may come to see me everyday pm
at Mcpherson Square Parkon
15th st and I st.

It is 2 block away from white
housein washington d.c.in
washington d.c u.s.a.

You can see same message
in my blog
Go to see the comment of the
Each Time and Each Degree.

My blog is
ooro.revelife.com com

With #9 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
on G st between 9th st and
10th st
washington d.c
Oct-04-2010 Monday pm 1:14

04.10.2010 18:31:57 [quote] [edit]

To Vrak.tv

I am south korean homeless
man Jin,Yang Hun in washington d.c

If you want to contact me,
send fax on my name.
0864.(Yesterday,They said Fax
doesn't work.)
(This is APPA Mission Center-
*If you want to see me,
you or your people
may come to see me everyday pm
at Mcpherson Square Parkon
15th st and I st.

It is 2 block away from white
housein washington d.c.in
washington d.c u.s.a.

You can see same message
in my blog
Go to see the comment of the
Each Time and Each Degree.

My blog is
ooro.revelife.com com

I sent this to CBC Toronto
and many other embassies.
I do not go Georgetown Library by Sep-25-2010 after closing.
They gonna move to 3260 R st NW in Georgetown by Oct-18-2010.

I was 23 years old when I fixed japanese consul's wrong attitude in paraguay.
It didn't take more than 30 second and he bowed before me.

I think he might realize his mistake to young korean man
as a diplomat.

Even his comment was full of insane self indulgence
and japanese nationalism against young korean man in the karaoke.

And now,in 2010,
I could realized japanese pain is
irish pain,
jewish pain,
italian pain,
black pain,
mexican pain,
royal pain(Through royal relationship),
british pain,
india pain,
african pain,
vatican pain,
police pain,
microsoft pain,
intelligence agency pain
and ,,,etc!

I handed over The Copy right of My IDEA and My Design
to other.
My Choice is
Russia Vladimir Putin,
France Sarkozy,
China Hujintao,
Iran Amadinejad.

About stolen The Copyright of
My IDEA and My Design:
=>One of Each: 30 Trillion Dollar CASH.
(I think My IDEA and My Design
can hand most of major current military power in the world.)

There cannot be any royal!
I have watched royal attitude!

P.S:Have you ever seen anybody
who is more than Royal,
more than billionaire,
more than power?
Here is a lot~~~~!

With #10 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
on G st between 9th st and
10th st
washington d.c
Oct-04-2010 Monday pm 1:57

10/04/2010 6:41pm (UTC)[quote]
To Australian Embassy in Seoul,Korea

No Email Contact!

I am south korean homeless
man Jin,Yang Hun in washington d.c

If you want to contact me,
send fax on my name.
0864.(Yesterday,They said Fax
doesn't work.)
(This is APPA Mission Center-
*If you want to see me,
you or your people
may come to see me everyday pm
at Mcpherson Square Parkon
15th st and I st.

It is 2 block away from white
housein washington d.c.in
washington d.c u.s.a.

You can see same message
in my blog
Go to see the comment of the
Each Time and Each Degree.

My blog is
ooro.revelife.com com

I sent this to CBC Toronto
and many other embassies.
I do not go Georgetown Library by Sep-25-2010 after closing.
They gonna move to 3260 R st NW in Georgetown by Oct-18-2010.

I was 23 years old when I fixed japanese consul's wrong attitude in paraguay.
It didn't take more than 30 second and he bowed before me.

I think he might realize his mistake to young korean man
as a diplomat.

Even his comment was full of insane self indulgence
and japanese nationalism against young korean man in the karaoke.

And now,in 2010,
I could realized japanese pain is
irish pain,
jewish pain,
italian pain,
black pain,
mexican pain,
royal pain(Through royal relationship),
british pain,
india pain,
african pain,
vatican pain,
police pain,
microsoft pain,
intelligence agency pain
and ,,,etc!

I handed over The Copy right of My IDEA and My Design
to other.
My Choice is
Russia Vladimir Putin,
France Sarkozy,
China Hujintao,
Iran Amadinejad.

About stolen The Copyright of
My IDEA and My Design:
=>One of Each: 30 Trillion Dollar CASH.
(I think My IDEA and My Design
can hand most of major current military power in the world.)

There cannot be any royal!
I have watched royal attitude!

P.S:Have you ever seen anybody
who is more than Royal,
more than billionaire,
more than power?
Here is a lot~~~~!

With #6 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
on G st between 9th st and
10th st
washington d.c
Oct-04-2010 Monday pm 2:39
10/12/2010 3:59pm (UTC)[quote]
오늘 여기에 지워지는 마커하고
마커칠판을 사러 왔다가,
잠시 여기에 전시되어져 있는
휴렛패커드 데스크탑으로
여기에 한글로 글을 올리고 있다.

스크린하고 키보드만으로 되어 있는데,
간단하고 보기도 좋다.
이거 터치스크린이다.

오늘 내가 앵글로 쎅슨에 대해서
뒤지게 깠다.

이 노무자식들이
주데이는 까질때로 까져가지고
북치고 장구치고 다하는데,
그 놈의 꼴같지 않은 자존심을
내가 아니면 누가 박살을 내겠어?

팍~~~쌀을 냈찌!

시건방지게 누구한테
자존심을 내세우냐 이거지!

=갱상도 4투2=

내도 28하믄 한가닥 하이끼네,
요리조리 빙빙 돌리가
정신들을 빼내가꼬,
한 방에 걍 날리삐맀째!

몬 말을 우예해야될지
몰르능거 가튼거 아있나?

무신 푹찐 고구마를
씨버삼킨거 가타 보이드라이끼네.

내 아이면
누가 카겠노?

이거시 다
하나님께 쏘칸 첨 남 장자요,
진무성 장군님의 후손이라는 덕에
이 칼쑤 있다 아잉가 십따!

지들 간뗑이가 부면
지들만 아픈기제,
내가 알빠 아인기라!

돈 하고
카드들 하고
부가띠 볼덱스 하고
롤수 로이쓰 백일 이엑쓰하고
메이바하 60 하고 57에스 하고
케니쎅 콴트하고 콴트 밴으로 해서 가꼬 온다!

내 아는 사람들 모아가꼬
도네이션 쫌 하라케라!

내가 필요항기
현금 왕창하고
카드들 하고
차 하고
랩탑 피씨 엘리언 웨어 엠 11 엑스 하고
맥북 프로 17인치하고
디지탈 캠코더 나이트 모드하고 리모트 콘트로 있능거 하고
디지탈 카메라 하고
쎌폰 하고
외장용 하드 드라이브하고
외장용 디비디하고 블루레이드라이브하고
유에스비 드라이브하고
랩탑 크기의 휴대용 티비하고 가꼬 오라케라!

사람들이 돈을 모아서 하믄 될끼이끼네.

지금 마약조직하고 마피아하고
사기꾼 경찰,변호사들하고 판사들하고
정치인들하고 미친 동성애자들하고 창녀들이
신장을 띠가꼬 에이즈환자한테 가따 바치고 이카는데,

느그들을 우째 그리 둔하노?

새 대가리
닭 대가리
깔치 대가리 굴리다가,
고마 손 놔뿠나?

그렁거를 모라카는지 아나?

빙싱 6깝한다꼬 카는기라!

내가 모라켔노?

내가 말 할때 들으라켔째?

켔나 안켔나?

말 할때 들어라!

니들 쎈쓰는
잔대가리 굴리가꼬 나오는 기고,
감각으로 안다 아이가.

내겐 영적인 감각이 있따 아이가!

내가 을마나 켔노?

내 친구도 알고,
내 동생도 그걸 안다꼬,,,,,!

사람이 술리를 따라야제,
영리를 따르면 안된다 카이!

아직도 불가능에 도전해보겠따고 카고 있나?

그걸 모라카는지 아나?

지금 사단!

곧 귀신의
영적인 속임수에 끌리다니고 있는기라!

거기에 니들의 정욕이
기~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~피 뿌리는 내리가꼬,
뺄라케도 몬빼는기라!

아무리 뺄라케도 몬빼다가,
마지막 숨쉴때에
깨닫게 되는기라!

한 마디만 더 하자!

니들 양심이 니들에게 다 얘기를 하고 있는데,
니들이 안듣꼬 있는기라.

니들 스스로가 떳떳치가 몬한기라!

니들이 징말로 떳떳하다카므는,
니들 내하고 공개적으로 만나서 함 얘기할래?

내가 보이끼네,
니들 그거 몬할꺼 가뜨라!

함 할라까면,
"忠言易語耳 利語行"이라 켔따!

12시 정오에 마르틴 루터 킹 주니어 도서관이 연다.
이제 그리로 갈끼다.

내가 알지 몬하는 것에 대해서는
내는 아무 책임 몬진다는 것을 알아라!

내는 지금
한 손 팔굽혀펴기 7번 하는데
10초 조금 더 걸린다.

7번 10초 하는데는
10 트릴리언 달러 현금이고,
7번 5초 하는데는
30 트릴리언 달러 현금이다.

내가 조금 올맀따.

걍 일곱 번 걸어가는 정도였는데,
팔하고 가슴이 붓꼬,
잠깐 쉬는 동안에는 팔이 부들부들 떤다 아이가.

내가 조금 올린기다.

고케 알아라!

스테이플 매장
20가와 L st
워싱톤 디시
10월 12일 2010 화요일 오후 12시 26분[b]



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