Chiritba(배문고 25기진양훈 Kongcode) (Gast)
| | *Right Now,I need for my safety and self defense system!(내 신변보호와 안전을 위해서,지금 당장 필요한 것들!)
i) Cash, 100 billion dollar net for date with ladies.
ii) 1 dozen prepaid cards(1,000 dollar each)
iii) Rental Benz Sprinter RV.
Armored Ambassador Sprinter RV with
Wingamm OASI 540 interior with my option.
iv) Guns with Concealed Carry Gun License.
v) Lazzarini Plectrum with my option.
vi) Xenos by Lazzarini with my option.
vii) Lazzarini Sea Capsule with my option.
viii) Mac/PC/Google Laptops
ix) Cellphones,,,,,Apple i Phone, Satellite Phone,
Samsung Galaxy Phone, Tesla Pi Phone,
Google Pixel Phone,,,etc.
**You must come to ask me of my option series.
West End Library 2301 L st NW in Washington DC
Mar-27-2023 Monday 4:59 PM