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WanDoo Homepage Board(완두 홈페이지 게시판) WanDoo Board(완두 게시판) - With me Or For me Chiritba (Gast)
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There is a people who have erased my blog and photo album. Most of them are christian and gay moslem who work with them for Drug and Gay. Let the world know 진양훈(Jin,Yang Hun)이라꼬칸다.워싱턴 디시에 사는 노숙남자. I have u.s passport.- 미국 시민권자로서 미국 정부의 마약사업을 고발해가꼬 이 꼬라지가 되뿟따. 갖고 있는 선불용 핸드폰 202-737-7127은 돈이 없어서 2012년 9월 28일을 만기로 끊어졌다. 전화 오는데도 없고,전화 할 데도 없고 그렇다. (This prepaid cellphone is expired by Sep-28-2012 by No Money Reason.) => Washington d.c 2 nd District Police stole my Fujitsu Digital Camera and My other cellphone for somebody just like N.Y.P.D. My Toshiba Laptop was stolen by July-01-2012 Sunday. If you want,you may bring donation to me,directly. I need Laptop PC and Mac,Digital Camera and Digital Camcorder with High Zoom Power(x100) and Small Handy Cam,Cash,Van,RV,,,,etc. There have been Donation from other country but it have been stolen by Washington D.C People. So,if you want to contact me,ask your consul for contact me inwashingtond.c.It is better! Language:Korean,English,Spanish,Portuguese=>(Little bit as much as I could hang around alone.) 한국과 미국 정부의 신분도용으로 노숙자가 된 진양훈이라꼬 카는 대한민국 남자다. 81년도에 배문 고등학교를 졸업했다.25기다. 외국인들과의 친분관계는 전혀 없고, 동성애자의 권리를 절대적으로 반대하고 있고, 전 국민 마약검사와 전 국민 에이치 아이비 검사 매년 실시를 주장해왔었는데, 미국이 지금 나를 얼르고 엿을 먹이고 있다라고 하겠다. I do 1 hand push up 7 times in 10 second. -Do you want to bet 5 second?- I am 49 years old in 2012. I do not have any muscle with 5'8"-173 cm. I have a Square Shape Nail in one of my right hand finger and I have a small horn on my left knee. So, if u.s.a insist 'In GOD We Trust!', tell them 'Your GOD insisted "No Relationship with Dog!". It is in the Bible! Frequently,go to see 'visitor message' in http://home.freechal.com/sro other is http://home.freechal.com/restarea 배문고 졸업 81년도 25기 무직,노숙자-No Job,Homeless If you want to contact me, contact your consul in Washington D.C and Ask them a favor to contact me. It is better to contact me in Washington d.c. Because Washington D.C is full of Kidnapper,Drug,Gay, Gay Prostitute,Boy Prostitute who have stolen Donation for themselves and Nobody is serious about it in Donation. My prepaid cellphone is expired by Sep-28-2012 by No Money Reason. 워싱턴 디시의 영사관에 양해를 구해서, 나에게 연락을 취하는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다. 이 곳 워싱턴 디시는 뉴욕과 같이 몸값을 요구하는 납치조직과 마약 조직과 동성애 자들과 창놈들과 창녀들과 나이 어린 학생 창놈들과 나이 어린 소녀창녀들과 그들의 포주들로 꽉 차 있고, 신분도용을 위해서 신분증을 훔치는 짓거리들을 하는 인간들이 길거리 어디를 가나 쉽게 볼 수 있을 정도로 가득 차 있읍니다. 호텔,식당,체인점,가게,마켓,경찰,경비,에프비 아이 등등인데, 정치인들의 하부조직으로 구성이 되어져 있어서 아주 조직적이라는 것을 알아야지 되겠읍니다. 그리고, 공개적인 자리에는 기독교인 행세만 하고,평안하고 행복한 모습만을 취하고 있읍니다. 이 바닥이 그런 곳입니다. 그래서,자기들 본국의 영사관을 통해서, 영사들에게 양해를 구하는 것이 그나마도 가장 안전하다고 볼 수가 있겠읍니다. 교회도 목사들도 신부들도 모든 기독교인들도 다 같은 조직원들입니다. 배문고 졸업 81년도 25기 무직,노숙자-No Job,Homeless If you want to contact me, contact your consul in Washington D.C and Ask them a favor to contact me. It is better to contact me in Washington d.c. Because Washington D.C is full of Kidnapper,Drug,Gay, Gay Prostitute, Boy Prostitute who have stolen Donation for themselves and Nobody is serious about it in Washington D.C. My prepaid cellphone is expired by Sep-28-2012 by No Money Reason. Here is bunch of obligation policy violation of government people. But Nobody care about it from long time ago. Actually, this is Spy Academy Metropolitan City. 워싱턴 디시의 영사관에 양해를 구해서, 나에게 연락을 취하는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다. 이 곳 워싱턴 디시는 뉴욕과 같이 몸값을 요구하는 납치조직과 마약 조직과 동성애 자들과 창놈들과 창녀들과 나이 어린 학생 창놈들과 나이 어린 소녀창녀들과 그들의 포주들로 꽉 차 있고, 신분도용을 위해서 신분증을 훔치는 짓거리들을 하는 인간들이 길거리 어디를 가나 쉽게 볼 수 있을 정도로 가득 차 있읍니다. 호텔,식당,체인점,가게,마켓,경찰,경비,에프비 아이 등등인데, 정치인들의 하부조직으로 구성이 되어져 있어서 아주 조직적이라는 것을 알아야지 되겠읍니다. 그리고, 공개적인 자리에는 기독교인 행세만 하고,평안하고 행복한 모습만을 취하고 있읍니다. 이 바닥이 그런 곳입니다. 그래서,자기들 본국의 영사관을 통해서, 영사들에게 양해를 구하는 것이 그나마도 가장 안전하다고 볼 수가 있겠읍니다. 교회도 목사들도 신부들도 모든 기독교인들도 다 같은 조직원들입니다. Single--- 미혼 I have no other name but I have u.s passport.미국 시민권자인데,내 이름 안바꿨음.
| | | | Chiritba (Gast)
| | Dec-04 og 05-2012 in DC album
Yang Jin on Expono Photo Sharing
On my personal experience,
u.s.a has most lot of Internet Trouble Maker
Internet Trouble Creator with government
IT businessmen's Consulting and Support.
I mean it is very well organized!
u.s.a is full of Normal Human Society Destroyer and Breaker!
It is their fun and pleasure.
they are the people who came from SATAN.
'Do you know there is only one sentence what mentioned of them in the bible.'
Only 1 sentence in the bible.
There is a people who came from SATAN.
Human is not only GOD's creature.
There is lot of Gorgeous Lady with
Beautiful Body
Beautiful Body Line
very well balanced body shape.
But most of christian's choice is
Hippo Type or Elephant Type or Rhino Type.
It should be their choice.
China,France,Iran is my choice for my idea and design.
Iranina Bank in Iran and I.B.R.D is my choice for Bank Account.
If Chinese Government open New Government Bank,
Chinese New Government Bank could be my choice,too.
u.s.a is Totally
Devastated Society!
| | | | Jin Yang Hun in DC (Gast)
| | "My Message what didn't get any response
Human Right
Bible Policy Big Mouth Government."
I brought this from
my old blog
Welcome to south korean Homeless Man Jin,Yang Hun's Homepage! I am Father of Multi CODE and Multi-Ply CODE in the World and I do 1 Hand Push Up 7 Times in 10 Second.(B4-5 Second)
My Proposition 998 Message
Senators who I contacted with this message.
I think
this is Civil Rights case more than Crime
Civilian's Right
had been ignored by Government
who have insisted Human Right and Equality
Through Entire Their Political Life.
(I think there is 'NO MATCH' with them in the world)
I think this is Serious Violation
what Government committed around 3 years ago.
Based on My Personal Opinion,
The Loudest Voice for the Human Right
through Entire Their Political Life Courior
might be Top and Longest in the world.
And now Let me start!
My name is Jin,Yang Hun.
Jin is family name.
I am 46 years old south korean Homeless Man.
I'd like to suggest to you Proposition 998.
Proposition 998 mean,
"All People Drug Test and HIV Test Annually."
I suggested this around 3 years ago in manhattan
but the result is totally negative,amazingly.
I WAS SO~~ IMPRESSED this much
u.s.a american has
such a generous and
supportive attitude for the Drug and HIV.
So,I sending this message to you
For sharing
The Impression and The Emotion with you.
What about Proposition 998?
If you have Positive Opinion about it,
I need you to open your voice in Capitol
for your Nation and Futute.
In What?
In the name of Jesus Christ!
How could Christian support Gay-Right and Drug Business?
I got the answer about this question
from u.s american.
It was,
(((((((((((((((((( "Don't Worry!" )))))))))))))))))
I could concern about their quality was Defect Crhristian.
One more time,
My name is Jin,Yang Hun
who is south korean Homeless man
because of the Identity Theft.
If you don't mind,you may visit My Homepage~~S.
From Jin,Yang Hun who can do
1 Hand Push Up 7 Times in 10 second
and who speak 4 Language.
Now I sleep in My Tent
on 14th st and New York Ave in washington d.c
from March-18-2009.
Until March-17-2009 from February-15-2009 Sunday,
I slept in My Tent at small part on New York ave and H st.
*If you want to contact me,
do not use email.
I want you to leave your message
in My Homepage or You may come to me.
u.s.a is safe?
What kind of MaMa-Monkey have insisted like that?
I think it might be MaMa-Chicken.
From Jin,Yang Hun
March-22-2009 Sunday pm 4:56
with displayed MacBook
in Apple Computer store on 2700 Claredon Blvd Court House V.A. In Arlington County.
Senators list what I sent email today by March-20-2009 Friday pm 12:30.
Collins,Susan M(R-ME0
Enzi,Michael B(R-WY)
Feingold,Russell D(D-WI)
Feinstein,Dianne (D-CA)
Hagan,Kay R(D-NC)
Hatch,Orrig G(R-UT)
Hutchison,Kay Bailey(R-TX)
Inhofe,James M(R-OK)
Inouye,Daniel K(D-HI)
26 Senators List who got My Message about Proposition 998 today.
by March-21-2009 Saturday pm 12:29.
Kaufman,Edward E(D-DE)
Kennedy,Edward M(D-MA)
Kerry,John F(D-MA)
Landrieu,Mary L(D-LA)
Lincoln,Blanche L(D-AR)
Lugar,Richard G(R-IN)
This is the senators list who got my message by pm 3:15 March-21-2009 Saturday.
Pryor,Mark L(D-AR)
This is the 11 Senators list who got my message today
By March-22-2009 Sunday. ^_^
Risch,James E(R-ID)
Rockerfeller,John D.IV(D-WV)
Shelby,Richard C(R-AL)
Snowe,Olympia J(R-ME)
Voinovich,George V(R-OH)
Wanner,Mark R(D-VA)
This is the Senators list who got my message
by March-22-2009 Sunday pm 4:56.
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