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New Blog by today:
With # 6 Express Computer(15 minute)
martin luther king jr library 1fl
washington d.c 20001
Mar-29-2011 Tuesday pm 3:02 |
| | From my other blog
Min Brev hva mest av embassade har i washington d.c u.s.a mellom Dec-24-2004 og Jan-12-2005:
Fra cuue1.blogg.no
To whom it may concern!
For many years,
My personal life was totally exposed through Hidden camera or Cable or Internet without my permission By:
California state goverment,Washington state government,Sony Picture,American Broadcasting Company,
Warner Brothers,Japanese YaKooJa organization,Mafia,U.S democratic party,Korean democratic party,Samsung,
Korean Full Gospel church in Korea Yo-Ui-Do,Korean democratic party supporting group in L.A & N.Y and Korean Gay
Community,U.S Gay Community,Mexican Community,British Government,Japanese government,U.S politicians and
Korean politicians and Japanese politicians who have been involved this matter,,,etc.
Still,it is happening to me by uncountable number of people in u.s and korea and northern europe and japan and china.
I have never known and involved any kind of filming business and still they are using hidden camera around me and
continuously they have molested me.I don't know what's going on and I don't know why I had been targeted but I
know htis kind of molestation had happened in korea.And they exposed my diary what I have written on my laptops(Mac-
intosh i-book,IBM Thinkpad).Specially,I think the Warner Brothers has led this illegal business what have used hidden
camera to expose my personal life to the world without my permission just like a professional swindler,even I am not
an movie actor or extra.And after I marked republican party on the voter's registration form in Los Angeles,
the molestation by minor community and gay community was more serious and they attended sunday worship
in church to molest me.
And they(Minor community who is belonged to democratic party) hold one guy who can replace me and they started to
steal my personal information and mail.There was so many things had happened to me and I have written on daily diary in
my i-mac computer but they(?) opened my room and erased my diary while I was not at home.At the moment,I didn't know
who they were and why they started doing it.So,there was only one thing what I can depend on the unique way was using my speculation.After I found out many of my diarywas fixed or erased on my desk top computer i-mac,I purchased two laptop
(Macintosh i-book & IBM Thinkpad).I purchased Macintosh i-book first but I found it could have been hacked by some means
what I could not know.But I found out it had been hacked and exposed to the public because many people in L.A & W.A state
& England & Switzerland & Belgium & Holland & France & Germany & Luxemburg & Spain & Portugal & Austria & Italy had done
same thing to me,too.Just like the same way what had happened to me in L.A and Seattle where I lived at that moment.
I couldn't resist to the public in the places because I knew they had tried to make me crazy and to have destructive behavior
with massive stresses and desperation through hardship and pain:I was the only one guy who had to stand against more
than ten or hundred million or a billion people in the world.I was surprised same thing could happened to me when
I visited the northern europe even it was the first time in my life.It happened to me in Korea,too.I didn't know what kind of
communication channel and organization they has had and used.But I found out later they used a public media and internet
and cable just like happened in Korea.Actually,after I found out similar things had happened in Korea through newspaper,
I could know my situation what happened at that time.Now,I am a homeless and so many people in U.S and U.K and many other placeshave known the molestation and cheating against me.I am not a gay but I speculate so many gay had raped me with
using drug or with something while I sleep.Even, when I reported in FBI in L.A and Lynnwood police department in W.A,
nothings had changed.So I visited England two times to report this molestation and cheatings by minor community and
gay commnuity and young students in L.A & Seattle to U.S Embassy in London.Second time I could make a contact
somebody in U.S Embassy in London.I know there wasYaKooJa and Mafia and their lawyers and P.I group involved
And there is possibility C.I.A is involved this matter because they might know my diary what was exposed in public.And
I found out some of my personal opinion regarding U.S policies was changed from Capitol after I wrote it my diary in
my notebook.I didn't want to disclose my personal life and opinion in public but it was made intentionally by some guys
of korean full gospel church Yo-Ui-Do because one guy had noticed me.I am not a public person and I am notan actor
but they has used me the way they have wanted.And they used a drug or some kind of liquid to make me nervous or
destructive.I am not a drug user and smoker.I quit smoking 7 years ago by myself.I have the detail information and
the person's name in my diary.I think they brought so many people and organization and company.Even they has a guy
who can immitate me because they has so many extra actor for their filming business.I tried to find a job in N.Y
but I coudn't.I konw there was so many agent and they have tried to drive me the way they planned against me because
they knew my opinions and what I was thinking of Intelligence activity through many cases which was operated by the guys
who tried to destroy my life.There was so many organization and people and companieswho has cooperated against me.
This is the reason why I have prepared the most of the record what have happened to me.I sue the most of the
company and government and community what is listed above for the molestation and cheating and exposing
my personal life to the public for many years and many more will be added.John Hong who is working in L.A.P.D
had noticed me what it happened and he didn't want to tell me detail information.
I found myself was the only one guy who have been ignored about the massive molestation and anti-humanist attack
and cheating and making a case against me what it was planned by public and nation widely and world widely.
And I found there was some people who knows the people and the organizations and the companies and
the minor community who has threatened them by any means in C.A.I know some of drug organization is involved this,too.
This kind of molestation and insane group consciousness shouldn't happen in U.S but it have happened in public
with keeping mouth shut knowingly and intentionally.
I have my own right to choose the political party legally.But after I chose republican party the most of minor communities
and gay community started molesting me.And unfornately,I found out the British government and so many of British
had involved this molestation what it was caused by the public intention to destroy my life.I think there is a implication
of Gulf War and the most of democratic politicians has misunderstood something of uncertain relationship between
republican party(Specially current administration-Bush) and me.I am not a federal employer at all.Anyway,
it is not enough but the most of the detail information what was possibly could make,is in my diary.
And I think some guys who hacked the both of my notebook have pretend me because they has performed huge group
with skillful computer technique.korean democratic party and Samsung and Korean Full Gospel Church in Yo-Ui-Do is
the first leading group of this matter.
And the guy who pretend me and used my personal information might be supported by democratic party.I am not
belonged to democratic party.And I have a friend in L.A who worked for the drug organization what has protected
by C.I.A.And I found the drug organization had reached me remotely through my friends who had worked
in the drug carriership for some reason to keep the secret of their business.I couldn't find anybody who can handle
this matters what have happened against me because there is so many reasons and organizations and companies
and people from long time ago.They has done to me unimaginable and ruthless thing.There was so many cases
what was made by minor community and korean people on their purpose.I have never married and I don't have
any kids and woman.And there is many chinese is involved,too.I had sent e-mail to White House one time and
I sent by fax 3 times and I had sent emil to N.S.A.There is so many smugglers who came from north korea and
they has performed their own community against south korean in Los Angeles and I found there is some kind of
huge multiracial organization.I explained this to FBI agent in Federal Building in L.A but they seemed to support them.
Everything what I did was useless and the massive molestation and cheating was happened against me continuously.
This is the reason why I moved to Lynnwood W.A and here in N.Y. And I found everywhere is same to me.At this time,
I could feel the C.I.A agents and their partner(Drug Organization or Korean Intelligence agent by some reason)
had chased me.This is my speculation,too.I think there is so many guys sho has pretended me in U.S and E.U.
There is one guy who can immitate my voice and me because he looks like me.(Or he seems to look like my twin brother).
I am not twin.And,I think there is many more people and organization and politician and companies and countries
what is involved this matter.
I think still th guy who is immitating me lives in N.Y and C.A and W.A.
Just like the Economist magazine,U.S.A seems to be blocked the way to run the democracy.
Where is my human right? I want to hear the answer of this question
from the most people of the democratic party who knows Bible.
My name is Jin,Yang Hun.
I was born in Korea and Now I have U.S citizenship.
And the guy who is immitating me seemed to be protected by British government and U.S
democratic party and Korean democratic party and minor community.
P.S:All of my communication channel has been blocked and tapped in New York
And I think I am in the middle of a political issue in U.S.
I am homeless right now and I use to sleep in Kinko Copy in Manhattan midtown.
(Maybe you cannot contact me.)
From Manhattan N.Y
Jin,Yang Hun
(Edward Jin)
H.P: 917-608-0506 (At the time,I had prepaid cellphone)
Until,now this was The Letter what I mailed and faxed and delivered by my hands
to broadcasting companies in manhattan and newspaper companies and magazine companies
and newyork state general attorney eliot spitzer(at the time)
and edward kennedy and pat roberts and another intelligence committee and
white house and many of foreign embassies in D.C(From Dec-24-2004 to Jan-13-2005 in D.C)
With # 5 Express Computer(15 minute)
martin luther king jr library 1fl
washington d.c 20001
Mar-31-2011 Thursday pm 3:57 |