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WanDoo Homepage Board(완두 홈페이지 게시판) WanDoo Board(완두 게시판) - 후라이팬 진양훈-워싱턴 디시에서 (Gast)
| | My message to henry kissinger! 140203mon2235
유튜브에서 갖고 왔음.
He is Father of Obligation Policy Violation with bunch of mafia in u.s government.And henry kissinger is GOD Father of All of minority mafia and gay trafficker and boy trafficker and children trafficker like Olympic and kidnapper and human trade business.-Ex) 9 years old girl hostage is pregnant and nobody knows what happened to her father and mother and brothers and sisters because her family didn't open mouth about it.It means they were gone.Where are they?-How could her family keep mouth shut about it in u.s.a?-Somebody told me about it last year.-Henry Kissinger didn't care about it.Even,all law enforcement and all intelligence agency and all attorney and all judge didn't mind about it.-This is u.s.a!
The Power of U.S.A
has Ultimate influence and the inspiration to the public and the world.
Because nobody could handle it.-To Know The Power of U.S.A is To Lose Direction and Sense.-Bottomless Emptiness with Deep Desperation will put you in Dilemma and Mysterious Myth.-And it will be A Enigma Game in your life.-Ex) If you know who is u.s.a and henry kissinger's top secret operation team,you will be flipped over like a cartoon character.-They are homeless attorney,marihuana attorney,alcoholic attorney,mental disability attorney,boy prostitute attorney,HIV attorney,gay prostitute attorney,doggy vagina attorney,psycho attorney who is killer.-Already,so many civilian and diplomats started flipping over about it from long time ago.-You will be flipped over as soon as see them,too!
| | | | 진양훈-워싱턴 디시에서 (Gast)
| | Problem became advantage!140203mon1410
from my youtube.com
Drug and Gay is fully armed with Stinger Missile and Machine Gun by u.s army and u.s marine and u.s government.It is most serious threat to the civilian and the world.-Bu~~~~~~TTTTTT,It became Advantage to the public and the world because they could unite together with match grade fully armed system.-So,Banning Gun Big Mouthes was gone,simply.-This is U.S.A where is Obligation Policy Wholesaler System.Their Obligation Policy Product i~~~~~~~~~~~~~s Judge,Attorney,Police,Marshal,u.s Secret Service(What a secret!),CIA,NSA,DIA,Homeland Security(What a security!),u.s army,u.s marine,Federal Judge,General Attorney,Senator,Congressman,Pastor,Priest,Law School like Harvard and Yale and etc,Student,Hotel,Church,Temple,Broadcasting Company like TV and Radio,Media like Newspaper and Magazine,Teacher,Professor,Homeless,Shelter,Restaurant,Coffee shop,Copy Shop,Messenger,PI,Security,Building Maintenance Worker,Movie Production,Movie Actor,Movie Actress,Movie Extra,Movie Director,Auto Manufacture except Tire Manufacture(Tire Company never requested Government Loan because of Massive Big Mouth Punking in public-Slow Tire Business is impossible to expect in u.s.a),Singer Star,Shipping Service,insurance company,Real Estate Agent,Loan Agent,Mortgage Company,Stock Broker,Christian,Street Cleaner and impressively,,,,,etc!-All Product is nothing more than Danger and Threat with Obligation Policy Violation to the public and the world.-------"Let The World Know!" | | | | Jin Yang Hun in DC (Gast)
| | My message to germany
Meine Botschaft an Deutschland
=German Version=
Ich würde gern mit Deutschland und Deutsch im Jahr 2013 erzählen. Sie wissen nicht, aus Deutschland haben vernünftig und logisch Wissen Lebensstil entgleist. Auch müssen Sie nicht wissen, es ist eine Demütigung . Durch diese Weise können Sie unvernünftig und unlogisch , die Ideologie der psycho Satans geistige Täuschung Nachfolgefirma haben gefolgt. Für das Lernen über diese, müssen Sie lange Klasse und die harte Arbeit auf sie , weil Ihr Leben verloren Stil Ihrer eigenen Identifikation als Deutsch . Wer die meisten Edel Wissen geliefert , die Welt in 1900. Wissen Sie, die meisten der Welt haben über das Wissen , was in Deutschland erstellt gelernt? Was ist mit der Psychologie , der modernen Philosophie , Gesellschaft und Analyse technololgies was vielen großen Gruppe gelernt und Großindustriegefolgt ? Schämen Sie sich über großen Erfolg Adolf Hitlers . Er war Babelon König im alten testment . was ist jüdisch in U.S.A. im Jahr 2013 ? usa ist voll von HIV -und Finanzbetrug und Identitäts theft.Even , ist das Gefängnis keine freie Stelle unter mächtigste politische Kraft der jüdischen Gemeinde , die alle von Minderheits Mafia und Banden und Schwindler und ihr Anwalt -Team kontrollieren konnte .
=English Version=
I'd like to tell to germany and german in 2013. you do not know germany have derailed from reasonable and logical knowledge life style. Even,you do not know it is a humiliation. Through this way, you have followed unreasonable and illogical psycho's ideology who have follwed satan's spiritual deception. For learning about this,you need long time class and hard work on it because your life style lost your own identification as a german. Who delivered most of precious knowledge to the world in 1900's. Do you know most of the world have learned about the knowledge what was created in germany? What about psychology,modern philosophy,society analysis and technololgies what many major learned group and major industry have followed? Shame on you about Adolf Hitler's great achievement. He was babelon king in old testment. what about jewish in u.s.a in 2013? u.s.a is full of HIV and financial fraud and identity theft.Even,prison is no vacancy under most powerful political power of jewish community who could control all of minority mafia and gang and swindler and their attorney team. | | | | Jin Yang Hun in DC (Gast)
| | nice antique collction skill! 140204tue1920 from youtube.com
My ideas and designs could lead most(or All) of military weapon to antique collection item.
u.k placed on order 330 Eurofighter Typhoon and 280 F-35 in 2004 or 2005.But it could have outstanding chance for maximizing their value in antique collection market in the (Short) future.
1000대의 초음속 전투기와 초음속 전폭기가 떳다고 치더라도,기술력과 장치여부에 따라서,대략~~~~ 아마~~~~~ 한 50개의 미사일(한국말로 신기전이라꼬 칸다-세종대왕님 왈  이면,간단하게 끝이 난다 하겠다.-주문배달이 채 끝나기도 전에,이미 골동품이 되어버린 차세대 전투기의 골동품의 가치는 아직은 좀 미미하겠더라구.-좀 세월이 지나야 값이 뛰는데! | | | | Jin Yang Hun in DC (Gast)
| | My"Feb-04,05-2014" Slideshow from youtube.com
So many people in the public and the world is very happy with brand new
futuristic antique collection by u.s.a and u.k and others.-From beginning,there was antique collection set up by CHI~~RITBA.-I am a man who made 300 and 400 and 500 to cry by my 200 skill with 6 ball in Go-Rae Billard in Los Angeles C.A.-It was long time ago. |
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