나의 개인 기록 모음집-My Personal Record Series
1) 5 Shot in Red Dot(about 1dollar coin size) at 20yards with
Sigsauer P-220 (Factory original condition)-권총
and CCI Blazer FMJ 45ACP.-총알
(It was point shooting. There is a korean who
made this with rapide fire in California.-5 shot around 3 second-
The Pistol was H.K USP 45.)
2) 5 Shot in the Marlboro Box(Short one,No Top,in the Logo) with
at 20yds Beretta Brigadier (Factory original condition)-권총
and Winchester FMJ 9mm.-총알
(It was point shooting.)
3) 3 Shot around 4 inch at 100 yds with Semiautomatic
Browning Safari BAR Mark II(장총

with open sight and arm rest
This was factory original condition,too.
Ammo was American Eagle 30-06 Cal(총알

==>It was not 2 inch,it was 4 inch.
I had wrong knowlege about inch.
I am used to with cm not inch.-Sorry!
But,my drawing is right,it is about 4 inch.
(정정 했읍니다.2인치가 아니고 4인치 입니다.
인치의 길이를 잘못 알고 있었읍니다.
그러나,내 그림은 4인치정도로 되어 있읍니다.
내 그림을 참고 하시길-하여간,Merkel SR-1 갖고 와봐!)
4) 1 Hand push up 7 times in 10 second(Now)
1 Hand push up 7 times in 5second(Before and Later).
5) 34 Hour 40(?) minute driving from Los Angeles to El Paso.
No Sleep and Break time except pumping and restroom.
Average was between 30 to 31 hour.
It was a truck what had Max.speed 65mph.(^_^) Too Slow!
6) I am 'Father of Multi CODE and Multi Ply-CODE in the World".
(The CODE is in white house website.)
7) Breaking "Enigma CODE record".
(Do you know,
Now,I am a homelessman in New York.
Before,I was a fabric salesman and
garment wholesale store floor salesman
in Los Angeles downtown.?)
팔VIII) Blocking Gay Red-Neck Big Mouth and Double Mouth.
(I suggested public talking with any kind or type of
big mouth and double mouth in u.s.
Still,they are pretending innocent about it.)
9) Blocking vatican BIG Mouth and Double Mouth.
(About The Curtain in New Testment Hebrew Chapter 10,
I suggested public talking or debate with vatican.
I got same result,they are pretending innocent,STILL)
10) Ice Cream Effect IDEA about Ozone Layer Hole Problem.
(I think it is totally effective.)
11) U.F.O Max.speed might be Mach 2.
(It was based on my speculation.
I think they might have faster engine now.)
12) Around 130 mph turn
on the hill 45 mph wide curve on 15 Fwy
between Barstow and Las Vegas.
(It was my friend Mitsubishi sports car.)
13) When lady ghost laughed loudly in my ear,
I Said "Get out of here and Shut up!" in korea
(It happened to me 2 times at night when I was teenager.
It was same just like korean ghost movie.)
14) 2 hour sleep during 5 days in Paraguay
when I was 25 years old.
=>Last 5th day was my birthday.
I fell in to sleep after 4 or 5 cup of beer.
15) My IDEA and My DESIGN can handle
most of major military weapon power in the world.
=>내 아이디어로 전 세계의 무기들을
무력화 시킬 수가 있따아~~~~~ 이거지.!
16) 나의 끝내주는 디자인 때문에,대형 여객기 회사가
곤욕을 치루었다는 얘기도 있더군.
=>Somebody said the company order was canceled.
17) 2 and half turn Brasil Buffet Churrasqueria
in Foz Do IGUAZU,Brasil
=> 이 때는 먹는거 끝내줬떠랬뜨~~~~~~~~~~~~아!!!!
십팔XVIII) From 6309 193rd st ,Lynnwood W.A
to 1165 East Lake, Seattle W.A,
I took a walk through Aurora Blvd
everyday to go to work in T.D.S.
And I delivered document in Bellevue.
(T.D.S - Title Delivery Service)
=>오로라 블러바드로 걸어서 출퇴근했었는데,
그거 끝내주드라.못할 줄 알았는데 하니까 되드라구.
거기 신호등에 카메라 있거든.못 믿겠으면 한 번 봐봐라.
19) Korean Billard 6 Ball-14 Hour 30 Minute in Los Angeles
=> 토요일 밤 6시 부터 일요일 아침 8시 30분까지 쳤는데,
일요일에 교회가서 성가대 서야되니까 더 이상 칠 수가 없었지.
내가 성가대에서 베이스였었거든.14시간 30분이 기록이다.
20) I smoked cigarette Minimum 3 pack a day in Paraguay
when I was mid 20's.I was a heavy smoker.
Now,I don't smoke cigarette.I smoke pipe after I became
homeless.(무진장 피웠었지 파라과이에서.담배는 7~8년전에
엘에이에 살 때에 끝었지.)
21) I started Car Engine when I was 6 years old.
=> At the time, I didn't have driving class.
Even,until now I have never had driving class.
I learned driving by myself.It was stickship.
( 나 6살때 차 시동 걸고서 방!방!방! 악세레타 밟으면서
신나게 놀았었떠랬다.동네 사람들이 다 나와서 가까이 오지
못하고 삥 둘러서 보고 있었떠랬따 쨔샤!
-그 때,우리 동네 중학생 형제 두명이 그 차에 탔다가
자기네 엄마한테 빡~~~쌀났따.쨔샤!-거기가 수유동이었다.
=> 이것두 세계 기록 아니냐 이거? ^_^)-"너 또 열받지 그치? 쨔식이!"
22) 배드민턴 라켓 줄 두개가 (((((((( 태~~~앵! )))))))) 하고 끊어졌더랬다.
내가 9~10 살 때 동두천 미군 2사단 입구에 있는 행길과 철조망 사이에
우리가 맨날 놀던 공터에서 그랬다 쨔샤.
그 때 배드민턴 공이 그 라켓에 박혔었떠랬다.
=>나랑 같이 쳤던 사람은 동네 중학교 2학년생이였음.
(*이거 세계 기록 아니냐,이거? ^_^ -"너 이거 보면 열받지?"
-너 임마 질투심 좆나리 많잖아 쨔샤!)
23) 14 Minute(14분

한국 서울에 이태원에 있는 대성교회에서 제 3한강교까지(건너가지 않았음
뛰어 갔다 왔다.밤 11시 45분에 뛰어서 밤 11시 59분에 돌아왔다.
=>그 때,내 친구 현하하고 쫄면 내기 했었다.(증인이 있따고 쨔샤!)
너는 임마 아직도 20분이냐 임마?-나는 그때 운동 같은거 안했었다 쨔샤
그냥 쫄면내기 하자고 그래서 그냥 뛴거다 임마.
내가 만일 평소에 운동같은거 했었다면 당연히 더 빨랐찌 쨔샤!!
*I think there might be more
2008년 8월 22일 금요일 오전 10시 27분
This is Manhattan New York
Apple computer store on 5th Ave
between 58th st and 59th st.