* Very Kind Swindler Society,Very Careful Swindler Society,Very Gentle Swinlder Society,,,etc is Satan People!(아주 친절한 사기꾼 사회,아주 주의깊은 사기꾼 사회,아주 점잖은 사기꾼 사회,,,등등이 사탄의 자식들이지.)
"Generally,criminal people have double life.
They pretend very cultural for stealing and snatching and extortion and fraud,,,etc.
As St Paul said in the bible,the satan people pretend very faithful christian in the church. And they steal our freedom what came from GOD.
The freedom what came from GOD is Wealth(Freedom from Poverty),Health(Freedom from Disease),Strength(Freedom from Weakness),Wisdom(Freedom from Foolishness),,,,etc!
As you know,there is too many sly swindlers and ruthless people.
But they pretend very very cultural with obligation policy violation and violent activity and crime and hurting moral people.
In 21st century,church is full of satan people.
You need knowledge power for surviving in this world!"
*Per Nano Second 250,000,000,000,000 Centillion Dollar Euro Cash Net from 1990!
우선 100조원 돈기계로 찍고,매년 250억원씩 갖고 오고,
내가 21년째 노숙자생활을 하고 있으니까,21년치는
계산해서 갖고 오라구.
그리고 내가 안전하게 한국에 가서 살 수 있게끔,모든 법적인 조치를 취하라구.
예전에 누가 나에게 한 충고가 있지.
"한국에서는 바른소리하면 쉽지 않다!"
이제는 바른소리하면 살기 쉬운 대한민국이 되도록 힘써 보라구.
* With Concealed Carry Gun License from s.korean supereme court and u.s.a federal court and ICJ and interpol,2 of Walther PPK and P99 with 12 extra magazines each,2 of H.K G36 with 12 extra magazines each 30shot/50shot/100shot,Browning Mark IV with 12 extra magazines.('Made in Germany' Only and with original gun cases!)
=> There will be further notice for other brands and option when face to face conversation with me is available!
*See these in youtube.com!
1) '배문고 25기 진양훈의 Per Nano Second Wish List Slideshow'
2) Emergency List Slideshow Series,Today Bring This!
3) Brief Wish List with Top 10 Series by May-04-2015 Monday
4) Proposition 998 Tour Gear List
5) Money Machine,My Per Day Wish List Slideshow in youtube!
6) Daily Wish List Slideshow,My ET,ED Policy Slideshow
7) My Wish List from 1 to 29,