*Per Nano Second 10,000,000,000 Centillion Dollar Euro Cash Net from 1990!
See '배문고 25기 진양훈의 Per Nano Second Wish List Slideshow'
1) Brief Wish List with Top 10 Series by May-04-2015 Monday
2) Per Nano Second Slideshow Series
3) My ET,ED Policy Slideshow
4) Proposition 998 Tour Gear List
5) Money Machine and Per Day Wish List Slideshow
6) Daily Wish List Slideshow and My Per Day Wish List Slideshow in youtube
7) My Wish List from 1 to 29
I don't even have contact phone number.
And I have no email relationship.
I do not use messenger but Screen Chatting face to face.
At West End Library on 2301 L st NW in Washington D.C
by Feb-11-2025 Tuesday(화

9:49 AM