Chiritba(배문고 25기진양훈 Kongcode (Gast)
| | 08/02/2014 15:37pm [quote] GOD is not father of lie! 140801fri2317 from Published on Aug 2, 2014 All of Pastors and Priests think GOD is Father of Lie, Jesus Christ is Brogther of Lie! This is problem. There is a bunch of liar,case maker,swindler,stealer,snatcher,rapist, drug,gay,prostitute,boy prostitute,HIV,ADIS,Ebora Virus and their power back ground of Royal,Billinonaire,Poltician,intelligence agency, attorney,Judge power. But none of pastors and priests think it is a problem and they didn't let any christian know about it.-They had to do it but they doesn't even know about the obligation!- "I hope you to think this is serious problem,if it's possible!" |