Chiritba(배문고 25기진양훈 Kongcode (Gast)
| | 10/29/2010 11:56am [quote]
Not only south korea,,,,! u.s.a government is same SHIT!
I brought this from
after I found out
many of my writing was erased by somebody,again.
With # 7 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
washington d.c 20001
Oct-29-2010 Friday am 11:55
본 게시판의 게시물은 게시자 본인의 실명확인을 거쳐 작성된 것입니다.
Not only south korea,,,,! u.s.a government is same SHIT!
작성자 : w7sjin날짜 : 2009-10-05 04:54 | 조회 : 26
Not only south korea has the problem.
u.s.a government is SAME SHIT!
Current u.s.a is
"United Swindlers of America!"
They stole My IDEA and Design.
they have tried to make me a gay and
Drug user.
(Continuously,boy and gay prostitute
have approached me in the street and
in prison after police put me in the jail
*If you go to my blogs and homepages
you could know what have happened to me in u.s.a.,,
And there is more!*
After george w bush(I call him Monkey)
announced "War against Drug!",
I suggested "Proposition 998" around 4 years ago.
"Proposition 998 mean 'All People Drug Test
All People HIV Test,Annually'!"
It was My IDEA and
against Drug and HIV.
But The MONKEY ignored 'Proposition 998'.
I sent my message to the most of u.s senators
about the Propostion 998
through their website contact form
between end of march and beginning April in This year 2009.
None of them paid attention to Propostion 998.
Cheating,Taunts,Threatening,Stealing have followed against me.
u.s.a is
full of Drug User,
full of Drug Organization,
full of Gay,(They got Stalking Operation in public.Continuously follow and hang around me.)
full of Gay Prostitute,("
full of Boy Prostitute,("
full of Girl Prostitute,("
full of Swindler,(with license like Attorney,Judge,Police,P.I.They make fake evidence with fake witness)
full of Drug/Gay Christian,=>40% of u.s christian support gay right.(around 7 years ago survey)
they have stolen kidney for HIV/AIDS patient.
They might be Billionaire,Politicians and European King/Queen
who has HIV by insane sex life.
This is u.s.a
Let the world know about current u.s.a.!
Oct-04-2009 Sunday pm 4:29
With #3 Computer(1hour 10 minute use) in ART/History room
(10th st bound/The Defect Bible catholic church cross street side.) |