Chiritba(배문고 25기진양훈 Kongcode (Gast)
| | I was 23 years old when I fixed japanese consul's wrong attitude
in paraguay.
It didn't take more than 30 second and he bowed before me.
I think he might realize his mistake to young korean man
as a diplomat.
Even his comment was full of insane self indulgence
and japanese nationalism against young korean man in the karaoke.
And now,in 2010,
I could realized japanese pain is
irish pain,
jewish pain,
italian pain,
black pain,
mexican pain,
royal pain(Through royal relationship),
british pain,
india pain,
african pain,
vatican pain,
police pain,
microsoft pain,
intelligence agency pain
and ,,,etc!
I handed over The Copy right of My IDEA and My Design
to other.
My Choice is
Russia Vladimir Putin,
France Sarkozy,
China Hujintao,
Iran Amadinejad.
About stolen The Copyright of
My IDEA and My Design:
=>One of Each: 30 Trillion Dollar CASH.
(I think My IDEA and My Design
can hand most of major current military power in the world.)
There cannot be any royal!
I have watched royal attitude!
With #9 Express Computer
martin luther king jr library
on G st between 9th st and 10th st
washington d.c
Oct-02-2010 Saturday pm 12:38