Chiritba(배문고 25기진양훈 Kongcode (Gast)
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'Hysterical psycho usa christians!' 141108sat1402
Current u.s.a has so psychonized christian life style.
They have requested love and forgiveness and mercy in public.
And their christian community activity is
fuck to dead,shot to dead,beaten to dead,grill to dead,
burn to dead,shit to dead,barbecue to dead,drill to dead,
shark to dead,snake to dead,tiger to dead,cougar to dead,
lior to dead,torture to dead
And stealing,kidnapping,snatching,stalking,identity theft,
tapping,hacking,ransom business,drug business,gay trafficking business,boy trafficking business,human trade business,
boy trade business,,,,etc!
This is current christian community activity in u.s.a. |