Chiritba(배문고 25기진양훈 Kongcode (Gast)
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*Art of psychology! 140217mon2204
The Power of Psychology and The Effect of Psychology is unimaginable.There is two different type of people in the world.-
"A People who follow their personality and instinctive desire.
And another group is
A People who follow reasonable,logical thinking method."
*Fastest TKO! 140218tue1322
u.s.a top secret attorney team created irresistible impression and heart attack to the public and the world.-It became Fastest TKO Record in the world.-(After I exposed CIA drug business and cho-young-gi pastor's immorality and untouchable identity theft situation in u.s.a,they put me in psycho situation.And there have never been protection and safety system support.I have had bunch of killing threat and beating threat and kidnapping threat.
But everything have been ignored.)-u.s.a didn't know there was hidden eyes and ears in silence from 2004.
*Nobel twilight zone prize! 140218tue0852
Henry Kissingre and Harvard and Yale and long time politicians created New World in u.s.a.-It is Twilight Zone World with phenomenon power plant.-All of government people have DONE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Their Best with Over Time from more than 10 years ago.
It was 2004 and 2005.Their attitude in 2014 was 'There was Misunderstanding'-They are the people who got Long Time Career.And they have pretended So Strict,So Sharp,So Skillful,So Sensitive.-On the earth,what was wrong and what went wrO~NG?
All of the public and the world(even in many other countries) knows exactly what have happened and what was wrong.-Bu~~hu~~~~ttTTTTT all of u.s government people was misunderstood and is misunderstanding and have been misunderstanding and they are ready to misunderstand for the twilight zone project.-It created 'Fastest TKO world record' in 2014.So~~~~~~~ I created X-File Community Ac~~~~~~~tivity in u.s.a.I think this is the best method for chasing and for solving the mystery of the twilight zone power.
Henry Kissinger should a winner,if there is Nobel Twilight Zone Prize by his long time intelligence consultant career and national security advisor career.-Do you know u.s.a has 16 intelligence agency and bunch of attorney and bunch of judge.-All of them has long time career and all of them have misunderstood about my case.-E~~~~~~Xcept the public and the world-This is important.So,there is X-File Movement for Eliminating 'Twilight Zone Imperial' in u.s.a.-Do you know u.s.a could Control Vertical and Horizontal?-Bu~hu~~~~ttT
TTT I could Control Diagonal(They cannot do this,at all!).-Still,u.s.a try to overcome Chiritba.-This is dilemma to Twilight Zone Activists!-I put them into their own Twilight Zone Swamp.
*usa killer's shooting skill! 140218tue1230
(Whenever I type,there is a people who talk loudly around me.-Everyday,it have happened to me whenever I start typing in u.s.a.) And now-Their shooting skill is semi-cowboy version.It is possible to the people who got Action Shooting Class.-On New York Public Library front yard on 5th ave,it happened to me.It was around 40 yards distance.The killer young girl posed drawing gun with putting her hands in her big bag.Her body was toward me and she was looking at the building across the street(5th ave between 40th st and 42nd st in manhattan new york.).She seemed to be waiting a sign for having shooting chance because their was lot of crowd on library stair and side street on 5th ave at the time.It was just after noon.(I don't remember the time.)----At this moment,only quick drawing shooting is available for 2 or 3 shot by drawing shooting with a gun what has silencer.The time is available only 2 to 3 second because of crowd.Including drawing maximum 3 second.She was late teenager or early 20's.(Drawing take around 1 second.It means she could make 2 or 3 shot in 2 second.The target was my chest and my face by the round table beside Kiosko what was closed at the time.)It means she could hit Pizza Plate at 40 yards with drawing shooting.-On my gun collector experience,she is shooting experts.---*Let the world know about it!-This is Global Alert Situation!* |