Chiritba(배문고 25기진양훈 Kongcode (Gast)
| | Problem became advantage!140203mon1410
from my
Drug and Gay is fully armed with Stinger Missile and Machine Gun by u.s army and u.s marine and u.s government.It is most serious threat to the civilian and the world.-Bu~~~~~~TTTTTT,It became Advantage to the public and the world because they could unite together with match grade fully armed system.-So,Banning Gun Big Mouthes was gone,simply.-This is U.S.A where is Obligation Policy Wholesaler System.Their Obligation Policy Product i~~~~~~~~~~~~~s Judge,Attorney,Police,Marshal,u.s Secret Service(What a secret!),CIA,NSA,DIA,Homeland Security(What a security!),u.s army,u.s marine,Federal Judge,General Attorney,Senator,Congressman,Pastor,Priest,Law School like Harvard and Yale and etc,Student,Hotel,Church,Temple,Broadcasting Company like TV and Radio,Media like Newspaper and Magazine,Teacher,Professor,Homeless,Shelter,Restaurant,Coffee shop,Copy Shop,Messenger,PI,Security,Building Maintenance Worker,Movie Production,Movie Actor,Movie Actress,Movie Extra,Movie Director,Auto Manufacture except Tire Manufacture(Tire Company never requested Government Loan because of Massive Big Mouth Punking in public-Slow Tire Business is impossible to expect in u.s.a),Singer Star,Shipping Service,insurance company,Real Estate Agent,Loan Agent,Mortgage Company,Stock Broker,Christian,Street Cleaner and impressively,,,,,etc!-All Product is nothing more than Danger and Threat with Obligation Policy Violation to the public and the world.-------"Let The World Know!" |