Chiritba(배문고 25기진양훈 Kongcode (Gast)
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'Civilian need killing right!'
u.s.a need Civilian's Killing Right because government is nothing against crime and gang.
I think criminalists might be able to survive in any society,if any civilian could have killing right based on Jehovah GOD's Policy in old testament.
'Civilian's killing right!'
u.s government couldn't handler drug and gay and mafia and gang and rapist and killer and ransom business man and swindler,at all.So,civilian need killing right and Freedom of Killing.-Government People is nothing about it.-I know there is such a desire from civilian in 50 states.-Already,drug and gay and mafia and gang have been shaken on the such a mood in u.s.a.
'Civilian must have killing right!'
From 2004,the public and the world have watched my situation in silence.16 intelligence agency and the court was nothing and they are useless.So~~~~~~~~~~,Civilian must have Killing Right against harmful and criminal people like kidnapper,drug,gay trafficker,gang,mafia,terrorist,liar,case maker,swindler.-It is 'Of The People Right' and 'By The People Right'.-For The People didn't work at all.-On the contrary,they are one of them with drug,gay,gang,mafia,kidnapper,stealer,stalker,snatcher,killer,rapist. |