Chiritba(배문고 25기진양훈 Kongcode (Gast)
| | "The Forgotten Auschuwitz"-잊혀진 아우슈비츠
-by 진양훈,Jin Yang Hun -
The Forgotten Auschuwitz from the history need to be realized
among christian community and christian society and christian history.
On my knowledge,
there exist 3 different type of Auschuwitz Operation.
First one was by Adolf Hitler.Second one was by Babylon King in Old Testment.
The Third one was by Jewish in Israel after Jesus Christ's Death.
It has same mechanism what happened to Jewish People in Germany
during World War II.
Just the difference is by Jewish against Jewish and by German against Jewish.
Actually,this is the most serious issue what the most of Jewish want to keep their mouth shut.
By St Paul's testimony in the bible,
at the time in israel,most of Jewish people were crazy and insane for capturing any Jewish people
who followed Jesus Christ.
St Paul was a young man and he handed over many Jewish to death by his own testimony.
He said he handed over them to death. Where?
I think it should be a compound where the jewish people who followed Jesus Christ.
On my calculation,
Since Jesus Christ's Death,around 900,000 Jewish might be killed by Jewish in Israel.
And there was Public Requirement among jewish people in Philado' Court.
"Return His Blood be on Their Heads and Their Descendants!"
I think,there should be an exact calculation and there was an exact same method pay back to israel by the jewish people's returning His Blood on their heads and their descendants wish!
It has same riot mechanism against jewish people in Germany and in Israel.
The target was same but the trouble maker was different.
But the riot has same mechanism with death compound.
Most of jewish shouldn't want to talk about it in public.
Because still they need to pretend Death Compound Victim Politically!
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