The meaning of Chiritba Impossible.
'Chiritba Impossible accomplished'
The meaningful of 'Chiritba(진양훈

Impossible' was so impressive to me as a south korean homeless man who created chiritba impossible with a trial version.-"Ha~~~~Ssarabiya!"-
LOng Time Career Community couldn't handle None Career Chiritba.-SsaRaRa~SsaSsarabiya!-
Highly trained mission impossible community couldn't handle none trained chiritba expossible.
Long time career experts organization couldn't handle none career chiritba.-Me!
Philosophically,they couldn't realize they are factory original defect.
And the philosophical dilemma what is human is good or bad have driven them to intellectual sink hole with the s-holism.
None of them couldn't handle knowledge power.
There is multi angle of viewpoint what could describe of the value of chiritba impossible.
The major knowledge power plant was psychology knowledge.
As a man who fell in love with psychology when I was 19 years old by Erich Fromm's book 'Man for Himself(프롬 인생론

',I could create my own 'Wealth of Nation Theory' based on psychology knowledge with my life career.-Now,I am 53 years old man-
Which long time career could handle chiritba in u.s.a?
Who want to take challenge desire against my intellectual indulgence in public?
Who could handle chiritba's indulgence in public?
Emboss my words in your mind.
"I am Chiritba(진양훈

,The~~~Hoooo~ Chiritba!
The Name is Chiritba.Still,I am Chiritba!"
Don't you think I am so gentle and reasonable and logical and psychological and philosophical and biblical and intellectual and creative and constructive and sensitive and sharp and sophisticated and musical?"
I think this is enough to drive them to Don Quixote stage.
To chiritba community,this is nothing more than fun and pleasure.
To satan people,this should be nothing more than stress.

by Nov-12-2016 pm 9:33 in my tent
on 2300NW and washington circle where is Spain Embassy in D.C-
*Still,I do not have safety system on the law!
Donald Trump and Mike Pence and republican supporters,
could you support protection system on the law?
I think it is better than saying nothing.
*우리 배문 25기는 뭐하냐?-도네이션 좀 해라!
나의 '팔불출 작전'은 완벽했다.-머리 털나고나서,내가 이러한 성과를 이룩할 수 있었다라는 것은 상상도 못했었다.-끝내주냐?
"Har du noen gang hørt om multi personlighet?
Har du noen gang hørt om multi-prosjektet?
Har du noen gang hørt om multifunksjons?"
Der er andre youtube video -'chiritba impossible accomplished'-
hva Jeg lastet opp i-dag Nov-12-2016 Saturday.