*이것은 내가 한국의 배문 고등학교에 내 편지 내용과 함께 보낸 이메일(2009년 3월 11일 수요일
-This is e-mail what I sent to
BAE-MOON High School
by March-11-2009 Wednesday with My Letter.
1981년 아니면 1982년에 배문 고등학교를 졸업한 진양훈이라고합니다.
고등학교를 졸업한 다음해에 이민을 나왔읍니다.
남미로 이민을 갔다가 지금은 여기 미국에서 살고 있읍니다만,
지금은 신분도용으로 인해서 노숙자가 되어 있읍니다.
이러한 신분도용이
미국정부와 한국정부의 동조로 인해서
나에게 일어날 수가 있었다는 것에서
적잖은 분노가 일어나지만,
아무래도 일단은 나 이외의 수 많은 사람들이
한국과 미국에서 홈레스가 되어 있다는 것에서,
대중과 사람들이 반듯이 알고 있어야
된다는 생각에 이렇게 메일을 보냅니다.
"나와 비슷하게 생긴 외국인이나 한국인들을 이용하고들 있더군요.
그리고 나의 유치원,국민학교,중학교,고등학교 졸업앨범을 훔쳐가고
나의 물건과 옷가지도 훔쳐가서
어느 다른 장소에서 내 신분을 흉내내고들 있더군요.
그것은 이미 아래의 내 편지를 받아 본 많은 사람들이
나의 일에 관심을 가지고 지켜 보아왔고,
그렇게 협조를 해주었던 사람들이 나에게 얘기를 해주더군요.
의아스럽게도 한국의 민주당 정치인들과 미국의 민주당 정치인들이
연관이 되어져 있더군요.
혹시나 오랜 세월이 지난 지금 그 신분도용집단이 나의 동창들에게
접근을 할 수 있다는 생각에 이렇게 메일을 보냅니다.
그 신분도용집단은 마약과 매춘과 동성애자들과 외국인 유학생들과
미국의 영화배우들과 한국의 탤런트들과도 같이 움직이고 있더군요.
심지어는 순복음 여의도교회 조용기 목사와 그 곳의 목사들도 연관이
있더군요.정치인들과 연관이 있었던 것 같습니다.
이러한 일이 한국에서 길거리에 쏟아져 나왔던 수 많은 노숙자들에게
일어났을 가능성이 있다는 것을 의심하지 않을 수가 없더군요.
이렇게 이메일을 보냅니다.
혹시나 배문 동창회와 연락이 되신다면 그러한 일에 대해서 각별한 주의를
하라고 얘기를 해 주시기 바랍니다.
나의 홈페이지와 내가 쓴 편지도 함께 보냅니다.
그 편지는 이 곳 미국에서 거의 모든 미디어와 신문사와 잡지사와
방송국. 그리고 워싱턴 디시의 외국 대사관에도 돌렸던 편지입니다.
그래서 사실 수 많은 정부에서 소리없이 지켜보고 있읍니다.
이메일은 주고 받지 않습니다.
인터넷은 워싱턴 디시에서 다리 건너편쪽의
버지니아주 Court House에 있는
애플 컴퓨터 매장에서 인터넷을 사용합니다.
2700 Claredon Blvd Court House in V.A Arlington County
잠을 자는 곳은 워싱턴 디시내의
H st과 New York Ave (13th st 과 14th st 사이
The New York Avenue Prebyterian Church 옆에 있는 공원에서
내 텐트 안에서 잡니다.(At the time)
뉴욕 맨하탄에 있었을 때에,
한국 영사들이 내 앞으로 지나가면서
"자기들은 시키는데로 했을 뿐이다."라는 말을
나에게 들으라는식으로 얘기했던 것이 의아스럽더군요.
Until,here is the contents in the letter!
There have been
Gay Trafficking Operation,
Boy Trafficking Operation,
Black Traffi
Girl Trafficking Operation,
Stealing IDEA/Design,
Killing Threatening,
Spitting On My Face,
Kicking Box while I was sleeping,
Kicking Tent while I was sleeping,
Throwing Burning Paper on my face
when I was in the box,
Stealing Money by n.y.p.d after the put me in the jail,
"You cannot have more than 100 dollar every month notice by n.y.p.d",
Frequent Blocking on the side street while I take a walk by many people,
Narrowing Entrance and Stair and Elevator and Door by many people,
Discipline Excuse,Attitude Excuse,Test Excuse,Training Excuse,
Exercise Excuse,Practice Excuse,Olympic Excuse,
007 Excuse,World Record Excuse,
Bible Policy Excuse,Psychic Excuse,
Are you expecting 21 Days Fasting Prayer Christian support gay right?
Are you CRAZY?
My I.D List: Pobong,Po~~ Series!
I don't have any relationship with any Politician and Movie Actor and Movie Actress,
I graduated BAE-MOON High School and O-San Jr. High School in Seoul korea.
No University!
I am not gay.
I am not drug user.
But u.s.a is full of gay and drug user and u.s.a american christian is very generous to Drug and Gay.
After they have worked with chinese and japanese and other korean and many european for using my identity with somebody who look like me,now they are rumbling.
The guy cannot do
1 Hand Push Up 7 Times in 10 Second,
1 Leg Sitting and Standing 7 Times in 15 Second,
Whistling Between Teeth,
He doen't know many Song as many as I know,
He can't speak 4+ Language,
Hand Writing Style is Totally Different,
He can't draw My Cartoon,
He can't jump to seat in the side street corner low wall
where is cbs yard table on 5th ave and 58th st corner,
And another low wall where is u.n cross street beside stair,
He doesn't have Flat and Square Shape Right Hand Finger Nail,
He doesn't have knowledge about Bible like me,
He might be Gay and Bisexual,
He might be Drug User,
He might be Gambler,
He might have supported politician(I do not support any politician and any political party),
He might have relationship with movie actor and movie actress and politician and billionaire
-I don't have any such an relationship in My Life!)
He might have catholic vatican support
(I am protestant christian who had 21 daysp fasting prayer 1 time/7 days 3 times,3 days I don't remember because I didn't count.),
I love steak and pork
(Kind of Ham-Gi-Bak함지박 돼지갈비 끝내준다고 그러데. and Tony Romas).
Fucking Gay try to touch my hand like new york police whenever they took me to the court prison.
This is FUCKING United Sexholics of America!
Try This!
If you tell them
" How could christian support Gay Right?,
They gonna shout to you like this
"Don't Worry!"
"TON~~~~TTT WORRY~!!!"!
Current u.s.a 21st Century Social and National trend have been led
by Gay and Gay Prostitute and Boy Prostitute and Trafficker
Human Trade Business men and Drug Business Men and Their Organization
-Actually they are secret operation team for Drug and Gay.
Just like Son of Serpent in the Bible,they are Chrisitan with BIG MOUTH and SHOWMANSHIP.
They stole My IDEA and My DESIGN and MY CODE
(They have been rumbling with this from 3 years ago!^_^
They are Drug and Gay organization.
I don't have any email relationship(Except 4 times email what I sent to Norway Embassy in seoul korea) and I don't want to have any email relationship.
*Somebody Changed Password
My email account and Homepage List:
1) edwardjin@hanmail.net
2) edwardjin@freechal.com
3) edwardjinusa@netscape.net
4) http://home.freechal.com/restarea
5) Unfortunately,I have never had Google email account.
6) http://uniquerenaissanceoffice.webs.com
7) http://onlyonerenaissanceoffice.webs.com
Becareful with stolen email account!
** I think lost password email account and homepage site for the computer user.
"International Cyber Police Department is "Definitely REQUIRED!" -This is My IDEA.Do you think it is GREAT?-
Who is this?
46 years old south korean Homeless ((((((( "JIN~~~YANG~~~~HUN~~~~~~"

)))))) by 2009
I was 45 years old in 2008!!!!!
{{{ u.s.a police is Gang,Hitman,Mafia,Barking Dog,Kidnapperfor Drug and Gay Organization }}}
Edit | Settings | Delete
I need Guns and Gun License and High Speed Car and this kind of Vertical Take Off Landing SuperSonic Business Jet(VTOL SSBJ).
This SSBJ has 3 Harrier Engine.
It has Large Cabin and Long Haul.
"Amphibian with Luxurious Interior should be Better!"
Could you see small horn on my left knee?
H&K USP 40 Pistol H&K MP-7 PDWH&K G36,G36K,G36CWalther P99 9mmWalther PPK 380ACPFN FiveSeven 5.7mmFN P90 FamilyFN F2000 New Tactical
StandardCalico Liberty I 9mm
I brought this from
my wro.weebly.com
Sep-10-2010 Friday pm 12:52
{{{ u.s.a police is
Gang,Hitman,Mafia,Barking Dog,Kidnapper
Drug and Gay Organization }}}
After I exposed
c.i.a Drug Business,
Microsoft internet explorer identity theft,
u.s.a and south korean government Hidden Camera Business,
u.s.a police
stalker,barking dog,gang,mafia,watch dog forDrug and Gay organization.
There have been so many Killing Threat to me,everyday.
-"Attorney and Deputy and Official(Police) want to kill you!"-
But none of themhave been arrested until now.
On the law,
Killing Threat is Under Arrest in u.s.a.
most of government people
united together
for Drug and Gay People and they have worked against me.
I have no idea
how long they want to enjoy this kind of cheating and threatening game.
I have slept in the street
more than 5 years from manhattan new york
after I exposed
Drug Business,
Identity Theft,
Hidden Camera Business.
Actually,Civilian who exposed Drug Business
must have Concealed Carry Gun
Concealed Carry Gun License on the law.
Of course,
High Speed Car
Bunch of Cash
Full Automatic Gun
like MP-5 or MP-7 or G36K or G36C or
FN P90 or FN P2000 or Calico Liberty I or
M-4 typeor Steyr TMP type
like H&K USP Series,Walther P99,Walther PPK,FN Fiveseven.
nobody knows it
and city mayor,governor,general attorney,senator,congressman,nra,,,,etc!
Just like korea,
even in u.s.a,
Right Voice cannot have easy way.
On the contrary,
so many police
(Specially,nypd in manhattan new york)
was so~~~~~~~~~~~~~offensive,
Through this way,
I have slept in the street more than 5 years
they stoleMy IDEA and My Design.
I have asked "Complete All of My Wish Lists
whatever is in My Blogs,Homepages and Whatever
I gonna Have!
u.s.a bring this to me!
From 2004,per day
100 Trillion Dollar CASH,
100 Trillion Euro CASH,
50 Million Dollar Bill in 50 Box,
50 Million Euro Bill in 50 Box,
777 Million Dollar CASH Per Minute,
777 Million Euro CASH Per Minute,
8888 Million Dollar CASH Per Hour,
8888 Million Euro CASH Per Hour,
888 Trillion Dollar CASH Per Week,
888 Trillion Euro CASH Per Week,
777 Trillion Dollar CASH Per Month,
777 Trillion Euro CASH Per Month,
998,998,998 Trillion Dollar CASH Per Year,
998,998,998 Trillion Euro CASH Per Year,
888,888 Trillion Dollar CASH Per 1/2 Year,
888,888 Trillion Euro CASH Per 1/2 Year to me!
u.s.a,u.k,japan operate money machine
change currency
bring this to me:
10 Trillion Dollar Bill in 10 Tennis Bag,
10 Trillion Euro Bill in 10 Tennis Bag,
8888 Trillion Dollar CASH,
8888 Trillion Euro CASH
Bring it to me!
Coach u.s.a is Annually
998,998,998,998,998,998,998,998.98 Dollar,Euro CASH!
I made lawsuit to u.s.a government through International Court of Justice(ICJ).
I am not sure ICJcould carry out Justice and Fair.
Of course,I.C.J has generous,kind,cooperative with Drug and Gay.
I announced Death Penalty to any one of them
by Bible Policy
"Eiskel Chapter 8"
"Do not allow any tiny chance to Satan!"
I think
it might have happened in the world.
This is the reason why
might be quiet!
Just Bring Money,Cards,Maybach 60 or
Bugatti Bordeaux or Rolls Royce 101 EX
RV Fleetwood Revolution LE to me!
On my personal opinion,
International Court of Justice must be closed in any christian country
their attitude is go cooperative with
Drug and Gay Organization.
I recommend moslem country like IRAN
where carry out justice and fair
so strictly!
*I brought this from http://ooro.revelife.com
with express computer in
Georgetown Library
3307 M st NW
washington d.c 20007
by Sep-10-2010 Friday pm 12:52
I found out
many of my blog have been erased by somebody
(Policemen,Attorney Team,Deputies,Intelligence Agents,Pastors
who work for
Drug and Gay Billionaires and Politicians and Royal) I brought this here.