Chiritba(배문고 25기진양훈 Kongcode (Gast)
| | {{ u.s.a slave policy through IDENTITY STEALING }}
I think
most of american and minority in u.s.a
doesn't know about this
except their Deputy and Secret Operation Team.
They have limited many people's lives on their purpose.
I mean
it might be
for the Double Identity Operation,
for the gay partner,
for the people who support gay right,
for the people who support drug business,
for the people who support jewish community,
for the people who support black community,
for the people who support financial fraud operation.
This is the reason why
identity theft problem is
out of control in u.s.a
nobody is serious about it.
On the contrary,
government people is involved with it.
strongly I recommended
"Do not open your right voice to u.s.a government
if you do not have my situation.
I do not expect justice and fair from u.s.a.
u.s.a government people work for
their investment and organization.
I do not trust u.s.a BIG MOUTH.
Human Right?
In GOD we trust?
GOD bless america?
"Shut Up!"
I think robert gates might resign
after I announced
Putin,Sarkozy,Hujintao,Amadinejad is
my choice for the copyright of My IDEA and Design.
u.s.a cannot handle any situation.
They just told me
"There is bunch of problem.
There is bunch of HIV problem.
Deputy,Attorney want to kill you.
Official want to kill you.
And u.s.a government didn't arrest anybody,yet!
They must arrest the people who threathend.
u.s.a has too many
obligation policy violation.
Simply,they are Evil Bitch
have pretended christian and good samarithan in public.
it is disgusting" |