Chiritba(배문고 25기진양훈 Kongcode (Gast)
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Financial fraud is financial operation by many government!
Even,they knows how to support financial budget for their simple expense.-This is their surviving technique.
Actually,vigorous financial business created such an unusual surviving technique,operationally.
u.S.a insisted china need to follow american financial system.
This is the malfunction of the bubble economy by financial market.
I told you industry shouldn't follow financial business.
Financial business must follow industry.
Current,u.S.a reflect my Chiritbaconomy theory.
배문고등학교 다닐때에 정치,경제에서 배운 지식으로
현재의 미국 경제를 수십번도 더 분석을 해봤따.
똑같은 결론에 도달 할 수 밖에 없더군.
신분도용과 탈세로 금융사기를 치는 주제에,
첩보니 모략이니 정치적인 술수니 하고 지랄들 하고 않았더구만!
꼴깝들 떤다는 거지!